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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 320

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 320

The porter noticed the approaching Ryker siblings and immediately humbled himself. “Mr. Adam. Mr. Adrien.”

“Hm.” Adam nodded coldly.

The duo had made their way inside when Adrien suddenly returned to speak with the two doormen.

“You both get a bonus today. One thousand each!”

Their jaws dropped.

“Wow! What’s the occasion?”

The doormen would’ve fainted from excitement if they weren’t still needed at their posts.

“Are you crazy?” Adam turned around to question his brother.’ Why are you going out of your way to offer rewards for nothing?”

“It’s a good day after all,” Adrien answered. “Bonuses should be given when they should be given.”

Their chatters eventually brought them to the front desk of the lobby.

The manager and bellboys were to greet them with polite bows in an instant.

“Good day, Mr. Adam and Mr. Adrien!”

“Yes, yes.” Adam waved them off. “Thank you everyone for your hard work!”

“Everyone will get a bonus today!”

Adrien announced from behind his elder sibling. “And I mean everyone including the cleaners!”

Everyone was taken aback.

They had been excited at first when Adam acknowledged their hard work.

The icing on the cake was Adrien announcing that he would be giving them a bonus.

His words had them abuzz with life!

“A b-bonus, Mr. Adrien?” The lobby manager asked.

“That’s right. A bonus for

everyone. Everyone will receive a thousand dollars each!”

The staff erupted into cheers.

“Mr. Adrien is giving out bonuses! Even the cleaners will be getting them!”


Adam’s expression darkened.

His brother had taken the limelight from him.

What a waste of effort to get changed!

“But, sir,” the lobby manager asked. “Why the sudden bonus? It’s not your birthday today, is it, Mr. Adrien?”


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