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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 327

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 327

Abel repeatedly dialed the number he had jotted down from the landline on his phone but to no avail. The convoy of three cars sped along the road and reached Brookewater village in less than two hours. Darkness enveloped the countryside, with only a handful of streetlights illuminating the main road. The alleyways were even darker, especially in this remote town. The village where Kendra lived was the poorest in the area, with many of its inhabitants having already moved out and settled in other buildings.

The remaining households consisted mainly of the elderly, sick, weak, and disabled people. Kendra’s house, like many others, was a small and old-fashioned building made of tiles. The bodyguards led the way with their flashlights and quickly located her house. However, when they opened the gate to the courtyard, it was pitch-black inside, and there was no sign of anyone being there.

“Ms, Kendra,” Luca asked cautiously, “are you inside?” But there was no answer. They entered through the open door and searched for the light switch.

Abel attempted to call her number once more. Suddenly, Luca noticed a cell phone ringing on the ground and retrieved it. “Sir, this is Kendra’s phone.”

Abel nodded, “She was able to call me before something happened.”

“We should search for her quickly,” Luca urged, “she shouldn’t have gone far with her child.”

Abel considered, “I have a feeling that she may have been abducted by someone.”

Luca inquired, “Sir, do you think she has been kidnapped?”

“Yes,” Abel confirmed.

“Should we contact the police?” Luca asked.

“We need to inform Inspector Charles’s office first,” Abel directed, “it’s a matter concerning a mother and a child. Please notify him.”

“Understood, Mr. Abel.” Luca retrieved his phone and dialed Inspector Charles’s number. Inspector Charles, who was about to sleep, picked up Luca’s call since he held a higher status as the chief assistant of Struyfia’s influential figure, Abel Ryker. Luca quickly explained the situation to him.

“Alright, Mr. Luca,” Inspector Charles acknowledged. “I will immediately order a search. Please don’t worry.”


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