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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 333

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 333

“Wait.” Abel said, “Don’t let Quentin find out about it, and I don’t want to raise Alana’s suspicion. Tell her it’s a routine check-up.”

“Got it, Mr. Abel.” The hospital director added, “I will attend to this mátter personally.”

“That’s great.” Abel sat on a chair, “I shall wait for the results here.”

“Alright, Mr. Abel.”

The hospital director hurried off with a solemn expression.

The hospital director returned swiftly in 40 minutes.

The hospital director held a stack of X-rays and reports. He placed them on the table in front of Abel.

“What did you find out?” Abel said in a deep voice.

The hospital director was shocked. He said in a pleading voice, “Mr. Abel, it’s my negligence. I didn’t know Quentin had fabricated the medical reports.”

Abel stood up, and his eyebrows furrowed in anger.

“What did you say? Is it true that Alana’s medical report is fabricated?”

“Yes.” The hospital director said, “The medical check-up reveals that Alana is fine.”

Abel took a deep breath, “What about the ramifications of Alana’s injury?”

“The bullet did not penetrate the lungs.” The hospital director added, “Neither of the shots hurt Alana’s vital organs.”

“Quentin’s medical reports say differently.”

“This is my fault.” The hospital director cried, “I didn’t do a good job of supervising. Mr. Abel, please spare me!”

Abel replied, “Don’t worry about it.

I’m a fair person.”

Abel picked up the stack of reports. He stormed out of the hospital director’s office, heading toward the VIP intensive care unit.

Alana was anxious.

Just now, the hospital director

approached. He had the nurses push Alana out of the room on a hospital bed without saying anything.

Alana raised her voice in asking about the situation.

The hospital director replied calmly that it was a routine check- “Dr. Anderson will do the medical check-up for me. He is my attending physician!”

The hospital director replied, “Quentin is in a meeting. He has entrusted me to this task.”

Did Quentin speak with the hospital director?


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