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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 339

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 339

Let’s inform Inspector Charles about this,” Abel said to Luca, “Let them come here to round these guys up.”

“Roger, Mr. Abel!” Luca immediately called Inspector Charles.

Then, everyone dispersed.

Kendra was still reeling away from the heart-wrenching situation just now even after she was already in the off-road vehicle, “I remembered your office phone number, so I was able to call you by using those guys’ phone just when they were taking a pee. I would never know whether anyone would pick up my call since it was already quite late, but thank god, you’re still in the office, Mr. Abel. I was beyond lucky…” She began to sob.

“Why did those guys kidnap you?” Abel frowned, “What kind of secret are you hiding?”


Just when Kendra was thinking about what to say, the baby in her embrace began to cry. Kendra had to try to calm her down.

The road was very bumpy, and since Kendra was exhausted, she soon fell into a slumber with the baby firmly in her arms.

Abel took off his jacket and covered this poor widow and her daughter.

“Mr. Abel, where are we headed?”

Luca asked politely.

Abel’s brows jolted a little, “Let’s go to the Precipice. It’s more tranquil there.”

Luca then dished out the order to the driver.

When they reached the Precipice, it was already daybreak.

Kendra and her daughter were still soundly asleep.

It felt like these two did not get any sleep at all for a long time as they were on the run and Kendra’s senses were highly-strung. At that moment, they were able to sleep like a dead log because they knew they were safe now.

Kendra took the baby into his arms while Luca carried Kendra. They sent the two of them to a

guest room on the second floor.

Then, Abel instructed his bodyguards to buy some milk powder from a 24-hour convenient store nearby.

After everything was settled, he got back to his bedroom.

The cleaner had already prepared This bathtub. He removed his clothes and allowed his fatigued body to immerse in the warm, soothing water.

He barely rested since he had to ensure Kendra’s safety.

Would Emmeline be too excited to the point that she could not sleep because of the engagement ceremony that was going to happen at nine later?


Abel let himself sink further into the water, and he lightly called out her name.

Then, a drop of tears fell into the water.

Someone as strong as him would cry too. He would cry once his heart could not endure the sadness anymore.

After his bath, some dishes that Luca had ordered from the Nimbus Hotel arrived.

Abel left most of them for Kendra later, and Abel joined in with his bodyguards as they began to wolf down the food.


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