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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 342

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 342

Emmeline dusted some

foundation on her cheeks to cover up the fact that she had been crying. Then, she descended the stairs while holding onto Benjamin’s arm.

When the two of them emerged from the glass doors, Adrien eagerly presented a bouquet of flowers to her.

“Emma, you’re so pretty today!”

“Is that so?” Emmeline answered without any enthusiasm, but her eyes turned into crescent moons as she smiled.

“Of course,” Adrien could not contain his excitement, “In my eyes, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Emma!”

“That’s too disgusting to hear!” Emmeline clicked her tongue jokingly.

Adrien, who was dressed in a suit, knew how to sweet-talk a woman.

“Mr. Adrien,” Benjamin handed Emmeline’s hand to him, “You should try to be more down to earth in the future. Words mean nothing. You should show your love through actions.”

“You’re absolutely right about that,” Adrien showed agreement immediately, “I have already promised Emma that I would turn over a new leaf and be a good man. I will bring a life of abundant happiness to her and the children!”

“Glad to hear that,” Benjamin said, give you my best wishes!”

“Thank you, Mr. Benjamin!” Adrien shook his hand,

After giving Emmeline the flowers, Adrien took her hand and put it around his arm.

A lot of them crossed the road to the car park opposite the street.

After getting into the Rolls Royce Wraith, Adrien really felt like he was the happiest man in the world.

He was a winner in life. Not Adam, and certainly not Abel!

Benjamin drove his silver Bentley, and he followed them from behind.

Two cars that contained bodyguards took the tail of their cars.

They were all heading to the Nimbus Hotel.

There was already a red carpet that stretched all the way to the entrance. It was lined with flowers.

It seemed that Adrien was obsessed with flowers.

Not only he had transformed the whole area into a sea of flowers, those flowers came in a plethora of colors.

The whole venue was really a pleasing sight. It felt high-class and premium, and it also had a romantic vibe to it.

Women would suddenly feel their mood improve when they stepped into the area.


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