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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 347

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 347

Emmeline closed her eyes. She buried her head into his chest.

She knew the result immediately the moment Abel hugged her.

She was indeed Timothy’s mother.

After some sobbing on her part, Emmeline raised her fist and punched him repeatedly.

“You jerk, you were that guy from five years ago. Why didn’t you admit it?”

“I…” Abel was speechless.

“You have left behind a bank card that had ten million dollars in there. Did you forget about that? Or is it because you’re so used to settling problems with money that it didn’t matter to you?”

“No, that’s not it,” Abel argued, “That’s the one and only time that I have ever done that in my life. As for that bank card, I knew that my mind was not in the right place because 1 was drugged. I was very brash and reckless at that time, and I could not remember anything at all except…”

Emmeline’s face blushed too.

Indeed, they would not be able to remember random, trivial things from that time because they were going at it in bed so hard that the impact of those moments still lingered even now…

“Mr. Abel,” Benjamin smiled bitterly as he handed Helios’

report to him, “You can’t run away now. You better make up for all the lost time!”

Abel took that report and some words on the first page jumped out to him: Parent-Child relationship established.

Tears poured down from his eyes.

“It’s true… I really have four sons…”

“Abel,” Emmeline punched him again, “You made my life so difficult!”

“I am really sorry, Emma. I will be your servant from now on so that I can make up for everything, to you and the kids…”

“Answer me first,” Emmeline began sobbing again, “Who was the culprit who made up some fake reports to fool everyone? I almost marry Adrien, you know.”

Adrien is really unfortunaté as well,” Benjamin shrugged, “He’s innocent in this since he is a victim as well. The worst thing is that he really thought that he could marry you and be happy ever after.”

“You are right,” Emmeline’s nose was all red, “I wonder who he has offended.”

“What, you’re feeling for him now?” Abel sounded a little jealous.

“No way,” Emmeline lamented, “Don’t you think he’s a terrible victim in all these?”


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