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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 352

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 352

“That’s right,” Abel was teary-eyed, “Five years ago, that woman was none other than Emmeline, not Alana. Alana has lied to us in the past five years!”

“But my paternity test reports told me otherwise? What’s going on?” Rosaline was confused.

“That’s because Alana has pulled some petty tricks!” Abel kicked Alana who was still on the floor, “Shouldn’t you come clean now?”

“I…” Alana was wailing, “I am innocent! I don’t know anything. Granddad, you need to stand up for me!”

“Abel,” Oscar shouted, “Did you forge these reports? So that you can take back Emmeline? You really have some dirty tricks up your sleeve!”

“Granddad, do you think that’s possible?” Abel laughed coldly, “If you don’t believe me, we can do another test anytime. We will be with you all the way!”

His words rendered Oscar speechless.

“We will also introduce you to someone!” Abel said, “He was the one who forged fake reports for Alana in the past. He was am accomplice who deceived us with Alana!”

“Who is that?” Oscar asked.

“Luca!” Abel shouted, “Bring that bastard up here!”

In no time, Luca led Cristopher in and made him kneel on the floor.

When Alana saw that Cristopher was here, she knew that everything had gone up in smokes. She even almost peed herself.

Oscar recognized this man. He frowned, “Cristopher, do you know everything all along?”

“Old Mr. Ryker,” Christopher begged, “Please spare me. It was because Alana seduced me that I had no choice but to work for her!”

Oscar sat back onto the sofa. His voice turned hoarse, “What’s the truth? Tell us now!”

“Four years ago, Alana hooked up with me,” Christopher began, “Her aim was to make me forget a paternity test report regarding her and Timothy so that they could appear to be related.


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