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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Adrien’s Agony

"I didn't think that way," Emmeline said. "I just hope that you can fall in love with another girl, you deserve someone better!"

"Let's not talk about that," Benjamin said. "When are you planning to get married? I'll prepare your dowry."

"Let's wait until Levan Mansion picks a date," Emmeline said. "I haven't figured out how to tell Master Robert yet."

"Master Adelmar was expecting this," Benjamin said. "He knows that finding the fathers of the children would lead to something, he just doesn't know who the man is."

"I really hope Master Robert can accept Abel," Emmeline said. "Then we won't have a problem."

"That shouldn't be a problem, right?" Benjamin said. "Abel is so talented."

"But Master Robert has a temper, who knows if Abel will catch his eye?" Emmeline said.

"Don't worry," Benjamin reassured her, running his hand through her hair. "I'll be the mediator when the time comes."

"What are you guys talking about?" Janie walked over with a cup of coffee in her hand.

She handed a cup to Benjamin.

"We were just saying how Benjamin wants to take you out to dinner, and I want to come along, but he's not too keen on the idea," Emmeline said, playfully nudging Benjamin.

Janie's eyes widened, and her cheeks turned rosy. "Really?"

"You should ask him yourself," Emmeline said, winking mischievously at Benjamin.

"Mr. Benjamin, is that true?" Janie asked, looking at him with anticipation.

Benjamin looked at their young miss helplessly and fondly, nodding at Janie. "Emma says it's true, so it must be true."

"Wow!" Janie exclaimed, almost jumping up and down with excitement. "Emma is the best! You're my lucky charm for love!"

After finishing their coffee, Benjamin and Janie returned to Adelmar.

Along the way, Janie kept pestering Benjamin with questions. "When are you taking me out to dinner?"

"After these next couple of days," Benjamin replied.

"But you're not busy these next couple of days," Janie protested.

"You're not busy, but I am," Benjamin retorted.

Janie pouted and fell silent. Benjamin glanced at her and said, "Okay, okay, you're starting to sound like a broken record."

"Well, then just tell me what day," Janie retorted. "Is it really that hard to take me out to dinner?"

Benjamin pointed to his head, furrowing his brow. "Let me think about it. When I decide, I'll let you know."


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