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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 The Handsome Five

"Sure," Emmeline replied. "My brother is actually a top executive at Benjamin's company, so we're still friends."

"Ah, that makes sense," Abel said. "Let's go to the Struyria Banquet then. After the meeting is over, I'll come and pick you and the kids up."

"Alright, sounds good," Emmeline said. "I've already got the gift ready, so just head straight there."

"Great, you're such a good girl," Abel said with a smile.

As they said their goodbyes, Abel leaned in and gave his phone a kiss.

The entire conference room fell silent at the gesture.

Mr. Abel...

Has this cold and unfeeling person changed his ways?

But then, everyone in the room could hear a soft kissing sound from Abel's phone.

They all watched as Abel's handsome face broke into a gentle and sweet smile.

The room was filled with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

After all, it was a rare sight to see Abel smiling.

Love truly does have the power to transform even the most stoic of individuals.

Abel stood up and declared, "The meeting is over."

The executives happily followed suit, not wanting to delay Abel's date, even though the meeting was only halfway through.

"We'll continue tomorrow morning," Abel added before grabbing his files and walking out.

The executives exchanged looks of admiration.

Look at that!

Abel truly knows how to balance his wife, kids, and work without sacrificing any of them.

Isn't he just the role model for everyone to follow?

After ending the call with Emmeline, Abel sweetly bid farewell and began to change his clothes.

In their walk-in closet, Abel had bought dozens of luxurious outfits for Emmeline, including formal wear, athletic wear, casual wear, and even evening gowns.

He had also stocked their children's closets with a wide variety of clothes, with each of their rooms overflowing with clothing.

Daisy and Kendra helped dress the kids in matching silver-gray suits, each adorned with a dark red bowtie.

After finishing their hair, the four little ones looked like shrunken versions of Abel himself.

As Abel walked in, he was dumbfounded by the sight of his four mini-mes. He couldn't help but feel a little bit self-obsessed seeing them.


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