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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 384

Chapter 384 Don’t Disturb Ms. Louise

Evelyn arrived at the parking lot and got into her own car.

"Wait for Abel," she instructed the driver. "Wherever his car goes, we go."

"Understood, Ms. Murphy," the driver replied.

"Hmph," Evelyn thought to herself, "I can't wait to see how lovey-dovey they are."

Sure enough, twenty minutes later, Abel's extended Rolls Royce pulled up.

He got out of the back seat and leaned down to speak to the four little ones in the car. "Be good and wait here, Daddy is going to get Mommy."

"Okay, Daddy!" all four children responded in unison.

Luca got out of the car as well and followed Mr. Abel across the road to the coffee shop on the other side.

He pushed open the glass door and saw Emmeline and Sam still drinking their coffee.

Thinking back to the sweet kiss Abel blew on his phone earlier, Emmeline's face flushed with a blush.

It was Sam who spoke first. "Mr. Abel, Luca, you guys made it."

"Mmm," Abel nodded, but his gaze was fixed on Emmeline.

Luca just smiled slightly at Sam.

Suddenly, Sam's face turned bright red.

"Let's go," Abel offered his arm to Emmeline.

She obediently slipped her hand into his arm.

"Goodbye, Ms. Louise. Goodbye, Mr. Abel," Sam waved her little hand. "Goodbye, Luca."

"I'll bring some seafood back for you to eat later," Emmeline said. "Otherwise, your lips will be so puckered that you could hold an oil bottle with them."

"Sure thing," Abel replied. "Pack some more, and Luca can bring them over."

"Thank you, Ms. Louise and Mr. Abel," Sam glanced at Luca. "Thank you, Luca."

"But I haven't brought them over yet," Luca grinned sheepishly. "No need to thank me so soon."

The three of them left the coffee shop and made their way to the parking lot.

As the stretched Rolls-Royce started up, Evelyn instructed the driver, "Keep your distance and follow that car."

"Yes, Ms. Murphy," the driver complied and started up their car as well.

The Rolls-Royce went through two red light intersections and began to turn left toward the direction of the seafood pier.

After passing through another red light intersection, Luca's bodyguard car sent him a message.

"Mr. Luca, there's a car following Mr. Abel."


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