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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386 Devil from Hell

Emmeline's face turned even redder at the vulgar language being used in front of the children.

Abel squinted his piercing gaze and casually glanced at the security camera.

Evelyn, have you been fed enough dog food?

My only love is Emmeline, don't you get it?

You're such a boring woman!

Sure enough, Evelyn was in the surveillance room, her face darkening with anger.

She felt a sour ache in her heart, making her uncomfortable.

Getting up from her chair with a cold expression, she suppressed her jealousy and left the surveillance room.

Soon after, Luca entered the room from the adjacent one.

He looked at the cameras and saw Evelyn walking towards the hotel lobby, presumably leaving.

Luca followed her movements and switched between the cameras.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure.

Luca quickly zoomed in on the camera.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was Alana!

She was sitting at a table in the lobby, eating with another woman.

Luca narrowed his eyes and recognized the woman as Alondra.

He immediately messaged Abel, "Mr. Abel, Altney's woman has left, but I've found something else."

Abel was in the middle of teaching the kids how to crack open crabs when he heard his phone beep. He took off his disposable gloves and checked the message.

"What's the other thing?" he replied.

"It's Alana. She's still out there, living it up," Luca reported.

Upon reading the message, Abel's piercing eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong?" Emmeline asked. "Is everything okay?"

"It's nothing," Abel replied nonchalantly.

He quickly messaged Luca, "Ask Inspector Charles what's going on."

Luca received the message and immediately called Inspector Charles.

Two minutes later, Abel received a response from Luca.

"Inspector Charles says that there's a scapegoat in the Brookwater Village homicide case. There's no evidence or identification, and he can't do anything about Alana either."

Abel let out a low, cold hum as he held his phone tightly.


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