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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 398

Chapter 398 Profound Love

"I'm just reminding you. You have to remember," Abel said, "Anyway, you have to avoid these two things that I mentioned."

"Okay," Emmeline nodded obediently, "I'll remember it very well."

"If anything happens, call and discuss it with me."

"You're being a nag," Emmeline could not help chuckling, "Abel, is something big going to happen? You're making me so nervous."

"Prevention is better than cure," Abel said, "Maybe I'm too cautious, but you should still be more careful."

"I got it," Emmeline said, opening her arms to him. "I can't go down. Hug me."

Abel reached out to lift her off the rocks with a loving smile.

It had already gotten quite dark when they were coming down the mountain.

They could not see the path beneath their feet.

Abel carried Emmeline on his back as they went down the mountain.

Luca and a few bodyguards were looking up at them from the flat ground at the foot of the mountain.

They were thinking about how much Abel doted on his wife. Carrying her up the mountain and now carrying her down. It is truly a rare thing!

The next day, after having lunch, Abel went on a business trip as planned.

An hour and a half later, Adam received a message, "Mr. Adam, he has boarded the plane."

Adam replied, "Keep an eye on him until he reaches his destination."

"Okay, Mr. Adam," the other man replied.

At 10.00 pm that night, Adam received another message, "Mr. Adam, he has arrived in Xandenia and left the airport."

"Good!" Adam replied with just one word. A proud smirk appeared on his face.

He looked at his watch and knew that tomorrow morning. He could make his move.

In Xandenia, Abel and the others left the airport by car.

They immediately changed to a different car at the next intersection and returned to the airport.

Abel knew that Adam was wily. If this business trip was Adam's idea to urge his grandad to do this, someone must be watching him on the plane.

But now, Abel was sure that he was no longer being watched.

And he was also sure that Adam would not dare touch Emmeline before he arrived in Xandenia.

At this time, it was 11.00 pm in Struyria.

Abel sent a message to Emmeline, "Are you asleep, babe?"

Emmeline had just checked on the children and tucked them in before returning to the bedroom.

The phone on the table sounded, indicating a message had arrived.


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