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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 40

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 40

Once the dishes were served, Emmeline called the children and Abel to go downstairs for dinner.

The family gave off a lively, happy atmosphere.

Looking at this scene, Emmeline could not help but think about what Daisy said. However, how could she and Abel be a family?

Because of an accident, Emmeline gave birth to Adrien’s child, while Alana gave birth to Abel’s son.

After dinner, she brought a book to the rooftop and read it while swaying on the swing.

Abel held two packages and went upstairs to hand them to her awkwardly. “This is for you. I’ve never bought anything for a lady before, so I don’t know if you would

like it.”

Emmeline was taken aback when she saw Abel holding two sets of high-end women’s clothing.

“This. “Emmeline thought about her identity as an ordinary citizen and said, “I don’t think I’m suitable for such luxurious clothing.”

“Why not? You won’t have to wear clothes that only cost 99 dollars, including postage, if there’s any special occasion,” Abel said.

“Are you making fun of me?”

Emmeline frowned as she looked at

the tall man in front of her.

“How am I making fun of you? You’re much prettier than other women even if you wear cheaper clothing, let alone this Italian brand?”

Emmeline’did not want to continue rejecting his kindness and make herself look petty. “Then I’ll accept it and consider it your living cost, lest you feel bad about it.”

Abel smiled, but he also felt a little sour inside. Did she not think there was another meaning to him giving her clothes?

The next morning, there was an urgent matter in the Ryker Group, so Abel was about to rush downstairs without having breakfast.

“Wait, I’ll pack the breakfast for you in a lunch box. You can eat it when you’re done with work. The food outside is unhealthy and unhygienic, so you shouldn’t eat them.”

Without waiting for Abel to say anything, she packed up the

breakfast, put it in his hands, then


helped him straighten his tie


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