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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 404

Chapter 404 Find a Wife Like Emmeline

"I won't cause trouble for you this time," Adrien said. "I'm looking for a woman like Emma who can accompany me in life and have children with me. Is my idea too realistic? Adam, you have to support me."

Adam was surprised. Adrien's idea was unique.

Emmeline was also speechless, staring at Adrien. Why am I involved in this?

"Adrien told me about his idea, and I think it's feasible," Julianna said.

Oscar said, "There are so many noble ladies in Struyria. Just pick one. Why do you need a matchmaking program?"

"Grandad," said Adrien, "I want to take responsibility for my marriage. I don't want to marry those so-called daughters of prestigious families. Most of them are just like Alana, gold and jade on the outside, rot and decay on the inside, which has caused trouble for Abel's family."

Oscar did not say anything.

Alana was also a daughter of a prestigious family in Struyria, but her despicable behavior was chilling.

"So, what are your requirements for this matchmaking?" Oscar said, "You must have a goal."

"Of course, I have a goal," Adrien looked at Emmeline, "I'll just find someone like Emma."

Everyone's gaze fell on Emmeline again.

Emmeline's face turned red in an instant.

"It's not my business," she hurriedly explained, "I have nothing to do with his matchmaking!"

Abel hugged her thin shoulders and smiled, "If Adrien sees you as a role model, it means you are excellent. What are you afraid of?"

Emmeline hid in his arms and whispered, "Why must he make me a standard? He could choose someone else!"

"That's because I think highly of you," Adrien explained, "So, I make you a benchmark. Don't overthink it, Emma."

Emmeline pouted, feeling a bit reluctant, but she had no choice.

"What Adrien means is," explained Julianna for her son, "Girls like Emmeline will make good mothers and wives. They will bring prosperity to their husbands and families. That's why Adrien wants to find someone like her."

Rosaline and Lewis looked at each other, and their gaze fell on Emmeline's face with admiration.

Emmeline's face became even hotter, and she could not look up while snuggling in Abel's arms.

Abel hugged her tightly again with a smile.

He believes in Julianna's words.

Emmeline is a good mother and will be a good wife.

He had already experienced this.


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