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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 415

Chapter 415 Abel, You Animal!

The two men each called their own cab and left Fifteen Avery Park.

Janie accompanied Benjamin to Glenbrook.

Abel and Emmeline returned to Nightfall Cafe.

Luca had just helped Sam clean up and was about to close the shop when Emmeline carried Abel over from across the street.

They were followed by several bodyguards.

Luca quickly rushed out the glass door and asked, “Ms. Louise, is Mr. Abel alright?”

Emmeline replied, “He drank too much, but nothing serious.”

Luca responded, “Let me take him upstairs then.”

Pushing Luca away, Abel said, “I don’t want you to carry me. I only want Emma. You and the bodyguards can go away.”

Luca sheepishly retracted his hand.

The other bodyguards were also looking on helplessly.

Fortunately, Emmeline was able to carry Abel’s giant body up to the second floor. She tossed him on the bed and took off his shoes.

Abel pulled on his clothes and said, “Emma, it’s hot. I want to take a shower.”

Emmeline helped him unbutton his shirt and said, “Then let me start the bath. You’ll feel better after a good soak.”

However, before she could even get up, Abel had her in his grip, then pulled her into his embrace.

He said, “I think I feel better hugging you.”

Emmeline pushed him away shyly, “Abel, you’ve drunk too much.”

Abel whispered in her ear, “Don’t move, babe. Let me hug you a while longer.”

He had great strength, even more so when he was drunk.

Emmeline couldn’t break free, so she simply sank into his arms and let him hold her.

Abel quickly flipped over, pressing her underneath. His lips greedily searched for the touch of hers.

Emmeline struggled under him and said, “We can’t. I’m still at that time of the month.”

Abel frowned, “What a bad timing to have your period.”

Emmeline consoled him, “It’s just another two to three days. Be patient.”

Abel hugged her tighter, “But you’re my wife. It’s torture to only be able to hug you like this everyday.”

Emmeline pinched his cheeks, “Just wait a while longer. When it happens, I’ll be the one to make the first move, not you.”

Abel smiled, “Then I’ll patiently wait for my dear wife to suck me bone dry.”


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