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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 431

Chapter 431 The Needle

“Who would expect something like this to happen? Especially on Emma?” Adrien cried. “If anything happens to Emma, I will blame myself for the rest of my life.”

“It’s my fault! It’s all my fault. I failed to protect Emma!” Abel bawled. There were tears in his eyes.

“Mr. Abel, don’t put the blame on yourself. You saved Emmeline when the assassin fired the first time. Everyone saw it. This was just an accident,” Evelyn said, touching Abel’s shoulder.

However, Abel shook off Evelyn’s hands and pushed her away. “It’s none of your business and stay away from me!”

“Mr. Abel…”

“I said stay away from me!”

Hearing that, Evelyn was rendered speechless.

“Mr. Abel, Emmeline is a kind girl. She is going to be fine.” It was Lizbeth. She was walking up to Abel.

“Lizbeth?” Benjamin frowned. “Why are you here?”

“Mr. Benjamin, I came for the interview. Evelyn is my sister. We saw Mr. Abel trying his best to save Emmeline just now. So, please… don’t blame him.”

“Then what exactly happened today? Who shot Emma?” Benjamin turned around and glanced at Abel. “Have you caught the assassin?”

“Inspector Charles and his team are coming,” Abel mumbled. “Hope we can catch the assassin soon.”

“How’s Emma’s condition right now? I heard from Janie that…” Benjamin’s face turned pale.

Hearing that, Abel did not know how to answer. Emmeline passed out and seemed lifeless just now.

“Abel! Tell me… How’s Emma’s condition?”

Seeing that Abel remained silent, Benjamin’s heart could not help but skip a beat.

Right then, the door of the emergency room opened. Dr. Carter walked out. His face darkened.

“How’s Emma?” Abel and Benjamin rushed forward in a hurry.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Abel. We can’t take out the bullet now. It’s on the blood vessel. We’re afraid of hemorrhaging if we take it out.”

“What do you mean?” exclaimed Abel. “You must save my wife no matter what!”

“But the bullet…” Dr. Carter mumbled. “It’s so complicated…”

Abel’s face turned pale. “What did you say?”

“Ms. Louise’s condition is strange.”

"What do you mean?" Abel grabbed Dr. Carter’s collar and sneered, “Are you a qualified doctor? How did you become the head of the Ryker Hospital?”

“Mr. Abel, be calm!” Dr. Carter tried to explain again. “Actually, we’re not sure if Ms. Louise is still alive!”

All of a sudden, Abel's mind went blank.

Is Emma dead?

Hearing that, Benjamin could not help shivering.

Haaring that, Abal did not know how to answar. Emmalina passad out and saamad lifalass just now.

“Abal! Tall ma… How’s Emma’s condition?”


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