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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 47

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 47

sn’t it thrilling, Mommy?” Hélios sighed.

“I got to say that it’s romantic too. I feel moved.” Endymion’s dimples were showing.

“We can’t be the only ones to feel moved. He’s got to touch Mom’s heart too,” Hesperus said.

“It’s a pity I don’t feel the sparks for him. He’s not my type,” Emmeline chimed in.

“But he’s our daddy,” The triplets spoke in unison.

“I think God might have made a mistake. How can such brilliant kids like you have a playboy for a father?”

“Mommy, what’s a playboy?” Representing his brothers, Helios raised a question.

It’s…” No matter what, Emmeline could not ruin how the kids saw their


“It means someone who is used to a free and easy life.”

“Emmeline, will you say yes and be my bride?”

Getting down on one knee, Adrien presented the roses to Emmeline.

“Get up! Didn’t we agree not to take it there? I might just take the kids back to the rural area, and they will become farmers for life,” Emmeline furiously blurted.

“Woah!” The triplets turned wide- eyed. What did we do for Mommy to put us in a career in agriculture?

“You can bring me along. I have thought about it long and hard. I’ve

made up my mind to be with you. We can be a family of farmers.” Adrien chuckled.

“Woah!” The triplets’ jaws dropped. Mommy had the power for Daddy to give up his life in the city to be a farmer.

“I don’t have time to waste with you. You have 30 seconds to get out of here. I need to drop the kids off at school.” Emmeline was in a hurry.

“Emmeline, these are our kids. Can’t you at least give me this?”


Adrien’s statement did not sit well with Emmeline.

“I told you to leave! Take your

flowers and leave!”

“Don’t you’love roses? You can’t

imagine the number of women who would die for 999 roses and a Ryker boy.”

“I say. I don’t care about you or your roses You should find someone better than me.”


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