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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 480

Chapter 480 Evelyn Apologizes To Abel

"Adrien, you're here too," Abel said as he stepped out of the car. "Grandad wanted to have a meal with us. He's fond of Liz," Adrien said. "Congratulations," Abel replied. "Mr. Abel, it's been a while," Lizbeth said.

"Adrien, you're here too," Abel said as he stepped out of the car. "Grandad wanted to have a meal with us. He's fond of Liz," Adrien said. "Congratulations," Abel replied. "Mr. Abel, it's been a while," Lizbeth said.

Abel nodded in response. Adrien and Lizbeth did not mention Emmeline to avoid upsetting Abel. However, Lizbeth's smile reminded Abel of Emmeline. He frowned as he felt a sharp pain. It lasted for a brief second and he returned to his usual silent demeanor.

They walked through the corridor as they headed towards the hall. Along the way, Lizbeth held onto Adrien's arm while he held her by the waist. Luca found the scene to be unbearable as he was following behind them.

As they entered the hall, Oscar was sitting on the sofa. Abel was stunned as he noticed that Evelyn was standing beside Oscar. He frowned as he felt uncomfortable. It appeared that Evelyn left the Precipice and made her way here.

"Mr. Abel, you're here," Evelyn said with a smile. Abel nodded and greeted Oscar. "Have a seat. She's Paul's daughter. Have you two met?" Oscar asked. Abel nodded. "We've known each other for quite a while now. I would like to make an apology today," Evelyn said.

"Apologize? Why?" Oscar asked. "I've bothered Mr. Abel back at the Precipice, so I would like to apologize," Evelyn answered. Oscar glanced at Abel and said, "There's no need to apologize. You should bother him more and get him to smile. Just look at his gloomy face."

"I'm incapable of doing so. I'm grateful that Mr. Abel didn't ask me to leave," Evelyn muttered. "Ask you to leave? I dare him to do that," Oscar uttered as he placed his teacup down. "Grandad, if there's nothing of importance then I shall take my leave now. There's a lot of work back at the group," Abel said.


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