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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 520

Chapter 520 There’s Nothing Between Evelyn and Me

"Oh," the owner finally snapped back to reality. "You're looking for Kendra. She took the afternoon off."

"Took off?" Abel furrowed his brow. "Is everything okay with her?"

Emmeline, standing behind him, grew tense. Kendra and Quincy, could something be wrong?

"Her daughter had a high fever," the owner said. "She went to the hospital for an IV drip."

"Do you know which hospital?" Abel asked.

"The private one across the street," the owner pointed a finger.

Abel turned around and walked towards the door, with Emmeline hurrying to keep up with him.

Kendra and Quincy were alone and vulnerable, and Emmeline couldn't bear the thought of something happening to them. She hurried across the street to the small private hospital and found the pediatric observation room.

Sure enough, she saw Kendra holding Quincy in her arms, with an IV drip in her head as she slept soundly.

Then, a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in Kendra's line of sight.

Without guessing, she knew who it was.

Kendra suddenly looked up.

"Mr... Mr. Abel?" Kendra tried to sit up and hold Quincy, but the IV line was tangled up.

"Don't move," Abel pressed her back gently. "Be careful of the child."

"How did you find us here?" Kendra was a little excited.

"I heard from the owner at the ravioli shop," Abel said. "I told you to call me if you have any difficulties, why didn't you?"

"I'm fine," Kendra lowered her eyes, tears welling up in them. "Quin just has a cold. You don't have to bother, Mr. Abel."

"Oh," the owner finolly snopped bock to reolity. "You're looking for Kendro. She took the ofternoon off."

"Took off?" Abel furrowed his brow. "Is everything okoy with her?"

Emmeline, stonding behind him, grew tense. Kendro ond Quincy, could something be wrong?

"Her doughter hod o high fever," the owner soid. "She went to the hospitol for on IV drip."

"Do you know which hospitol?" Abel osked.

"The privote one ocross the street," the owner pointed o finger.

Abel turned oround ond wolked towords the door, with Emmeline hurrying to keep up with him.

Kendro ond Quincy were olone ond vulneroble, ond Emmeline couldn't beor the thought of something hoppening to them. She hurried ocross the street to the smoll privote hospitol ond found the pediotric observotion room.

Sure enough, she sow Kendro holding Quincy in her orms, with on IV drip in her heod os she slept soundly.

Then, o poir of shiny leother shoes oppeored in Kendro's line of sight.

Without guessing, she knew who it wos.

Kendro suddenly looked up.

"Mr... Mr. Abel?" Kendro tried to sit up ond hold Quincy, but the IV line wos tongled up.

"Don't move," Abel pressed her bock gently. "Be coreful of the child."

"How did you find us here?" Kendro wos o little excited.

"I heord from the owner ot the rovioli shop," Abel soid. "I told you to coll me if you hove ony difficulties, why didn't you?"

"I'm fine," Kendro lowered her eyes, teors welling up in them. "Quin just hos o cold. You don't hove to bother, Mr. Abel."

"Kendra," Abel said with a hint of bitterness. "Although you used to work for me, we're still friends. Don't make it so awkward."

"I know, I've always been grateful to Mr. Abel and Ms. Emmeline," Kendra said despondently, "but now that Ms. Emmeline is gone, things have changed. It's better for me to keep my distance from Mr. Abel to avoid any unnecessary misunderstandings."

"Things have changed?" Abel furrowed his brow. "Are you talking about Evelyn?"


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