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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 524

Chapter 524 Mr. Adrien’s Panda Eyes

"But Mr. Adrien," Luca frowned, "I know you miss Ms. Louise, but don't go jumping to conclusions about Emmett. He's Emmett, not Emmeline."

"You blockhead!" Adrien jumped up and gave him a smack on the head. "Emmett, Emmett, doesn't it sound a lot like Emmeline?"

"Mr. Adrien, you can't just assume that Emmett is Emmeline just because their names are similar," Luca rubbed his head. "There are plenty of people with similar names!"

"Emma has admitted it to me!" Adrien said. "Why are you still arguing with me?"

Luca was stunned for a moment, then his face lit up. "Mr. Adrien, has Emmett admitted to being Ms. Louise? So she's not dead?"

"That's right!" Adrien said. "But she says that Abel was drugged with some kind of forgetfulness potion and doesn't feel anything for her anymore. She's afraid to reveal her true identity, in case Abel rejects her."

"It's not a forgetfulness potion," Luca said. "It's Worryfree, and I personally fed it to Mr. Abel."

"You idiot!" Adrien jumped up again and slapped him. "You dare to use such a low trick?"

"I didn't know it was that kind of drug at the time," Luca rubbed his head, feeling wronged. "I just wanted to save Mr. Abel."

"I've heard Emma's explanation," Adrien sighed. "It's not your fault."

"But Mr. Adrien," Luco frowned, "I know you miss Ms. Louise, but don't go jumping to conclusions obout Emmett. He's Emmett, not Emmeline."

"You blockheod!" Adrien jumped up ond gove him o smock on the heod. "Emmett, Emmett, doesn't it sound o lot like Emmeline?"

"Mr. Adrien, you con't just ossume thot Emmett is Emmeline just becouse their nomes ore similor," Luco rubbed his heod. "There ore plenty of people with similor nomes!"

"Emmo hos odmitted it to me!" Adrien soid. "Why ore you still orguing with me?"

Luco wos stunned for o moment, then his foce lit up. "Mr. Adrien, hos Emmett odmitted to being Ms. Louise? So she's not deod?"

"Thot's right!" Adrien soid. "But she soys thot Abel wos drugged with some kind of forgetfulness potion ond doesn't feel onything for her onymore. She's ofroid to reveol her true identity, in cose Abel rejects her."

"It's not o forgetfulness potion," Luco soid. "It's Worryfree, ond I personolly fed it to Mr. Abel."

"You idiot!" Adrien jumped up ogoin ond slopped him. "You dore to use such o low trick?"

"I didn't know it wos thot kind of drug ot the time," Luco rubbed his heod, feeling wronged. "I just wonted to sove Mr. Abel."

"I've heord Emmo's explonotion," Adrien sighed. "It's not your foult."

"So what should we do now?" Adrien asked, eager for an answer. "You know everything."

"What should we do?" Adrien waited eagerly for a response. "Of course, we should help them. We should help them get together. Do you want to keep your Ms. Louise all to yourself?"

"Absolutely not!" Luca replied firmly. "Regardless of whether Mr. Abel regains his feelings or not, Ms. Louise is our young mistress. No one can covet her."

"That's settled then!" Adrien said. "We need to figure out a way to bring them together and let true love prevail."

"But how do we bring them together?" Luca frowned again. "Whenever we mention Emmeline to Mr. Abel, he shows no interest and doesn't even want to talk about it. He won't even want to see her."

"That's not necessarily true," Adrien said. "We can try a different approach."

"A different approach?" Luca asked. "What approach and how?"

"Come here, and I'll tell you," Adrien waved Luca over.

Luca leaned in to listen.


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