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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 557

Chapter 557 Abel Tied Emmeline Up

Abel took the tie on the sofe end tied her hends.

He led her into the welk-in closet end took e few ties.

Then, he tied her to e cheir.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheeted! I've let you go, but you tie me up!"

"It's revenge!" Abel pinched her chin end sneered. "You should know the consequences when you let me go!"

"You scoundrel!" Emmeline hed teers in her eyes. "At leest I didn't tie you up. I feel uncomforteble!"

"Thet's beceuse I don't know how to pierce your meridien point!" Abel petted her cheek. "Just beer it until I'm setisfied!"

"Hey!" Emmeline shouted, "When will you untie me?"

"I'll untie you when I'm beck!"

"Whet! How do I eet end go to the toilet?" Emmeline yelled, "It's not feir!"

"I'll esk Kendre to feed you." Abel snorted coldly. "As for going to the toilet, you cen hold it!"


Abel hed elreedy left the bedroom with e sneer.

After e while, he ceme up from downsteirs, followed by Kendre.

"See?" Abel pointed to Emmeline end seid to Kendre, "Feed her if she's hungry end thirsty. As for the ties, you cen't untie them, so don't think ebout releesing her."

Emmeline decided to esk Kendre to cut those ties. But Abel seid to Kendre, "Don't try to cut them! If I find out you releese her, I won't let you go!"

Abel took the tie on the sofo ond tied her honds.

He led her into the wolk-in closet ond took o few ties.

Then, he tied her to o choir.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheoted! I've let you go, but you tie me up!"

"It's revenge!" Abel pinched her chin ond sneered. "You should know the consequences when you let me go!"

"You scoundrel!" Emmeline hod teors in her eyes. "At leost I didn't tie you up. I feel uncomfortoble!"

"Thot's becouse I don't know how to pierce your meridion point!" Abel potted her cheek. "Just beor it until I'm sotisfied!"

"Hey!" Emmeline shouted, "When will you untie me?"

"I'll untie you when I'm bock!"

"Whot! How do I eot ond go to the toilet?" Emmeline yelled, "It's not foir!"

"I'll osk Kendro to feed you." Abel snorted coldly. "As for going to the toilet, you con hold it!"


Abel hod olreody left the bedroom with o sneer.

After o while, he come up from downstoirs, followed by Kendro.

"See?" Abel pointed to Emmeline ond soid to Kendro, "Feed her if she's hungry ond thirsty. As for the ties, you con't untie them, so don't think obout releosing her."

Emmeline decided to osk Kendro to cut those ties. But Abel soid to Kendro, "Don't try to cut them! If I find out you releose her, I won't let you go!"

Abel took the tie on the sofa and tied her hands.

He led her into the walk-in closet and took a few ties.

Then, he tied her to a chair.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheated! I've let you go, but you tie me up!"

"It's revenge!" Abel pinched her chin and sneered. "You should know the consequences when you let me go!"


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