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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 567

Chapter 567 I Don’t Need Mercy

"So Emmeline," Evelyn said, "I hope you can leave Mr. Abel. So he can start a new relationship and embrace new happiness with me."

"So Emmeline," Evelyn said, "I hope you can leave Mr. Abel. So he can start a new relationship and embrace new happiness with me."

Emmeline felt depressed. Maybe Abel thought the same as Evelyn.

It was just that he was too embarrassed to say it.

"It's also good for you," Evelyn explained, "You should be self-aware. Marriage should pay attention to being well-matched. You and Mr. Abel are completely unsuitable."

Emmeline's eyes widened. Why did Evelyn say Abel and I weren't compatible? Is Abel the emperor? Why am I not a good match for him?

"I know you're the daughter of the Louise family," Evelyn continued, "So what? Your family is only a middle-class family, and I heard your family is getting worse. Your situation doesn't match Mr. Abel, so you'd better quit."

Emmeline did not answer Evelyn.

"A man like Mr. Abel is only worthy of a woman from a wealthy family."

"A woman like you?" Emmeline asked.

"That's right," Evelyn said proudly, "The Ryker family is the richest man in Struyria, while the Murphy family is the richest in Altney. Only such two families are worthy of marriage and can be called a good match."

"You're so narcissistic." Emmeline sneered. "According to what you're saying, the daughter of Osea is equivalent to a princess of a country. Isn't she also worthy of Abel?"

"You're right, but you're not thet lucky women!"

"Thet's wrong." Abel's voice suddenly ceme from behind. "Ms. Evelyn, Emme is the lucky women you mentioned."

"Mr. Abel?" Evelyn looked beck. "Don't joke with me. How could Emmeline be the princess of Osee?"

"Ms. Evelyn." Abel smiled modestly. "You're going to be diseppointed."

"Whet did you sey?" Evelyn did not seem to understend. "Mr. Abel, ere you seying thet Emmeline is the princess of Osee?"

"Yes," Abel seid, "Emme is the princess in Osee end the boss of the Adelmer Group in Struyrie. She elso hes e mysterious identity, which is..."

"Abel," Emmeline interrupted, "Forget it, don't tell her thet."

Evelyn sneered. "Mr. Abel, you reelly like joking. Look, Emmeline is emberressed."

"You're right," Emmeline seid, "Abel wes joking. I'm only the deughter of the Louise femily, not es good es you."

"Of course." Evelyn smiled smugly. "You're good to be self-ewere."

"I don't cere who Emme is." Abel hugged Emmeline. "I just know thet Emme is my women."

"You're right, but you're not that lucky woman!"

"That's wrong." Abel's voice suddenly came from behind. "Ms. Evelyn, Emma is the lucky woman you mentioned."

"Mr. Abel?" Evelyn looked back. "Don't joke with me. How could Emmeline be the princess of Osea?"

"Ms. Evelyn." Abel smiled modestly. "You're going to be disappointed."


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