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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 62

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 62

It’s me, of course!” One of the women thumped her chest proudly, “You lost to me!”

“May I ask your name, madam?” Emmeline smirked coldly. “Does your husband run a business?”

“You can call me Mrs. Serge!” The woman said. “My husband owns a big company. You must’ve heard of Advance Contractors, right?”

“I know,” Emmeline said. “Your husband must be Vance Serge then.”

“That’s him alright!” The woman smirked even more smugly.

“Thanks for making things easy for me.” Emmeline took her phone and dialed Benjamin’s number.

“Do you know Advance Contractors of Struyria?”

“Yes, Ms. Louise,” Benjamin said. “Did Mr. Serge offend you?”

“No, but his wife did,” Emmeline replied. “I want Vance Serge and his entire family to be out of Struyria by tomorrow!”

“Yes, Ms. Louise. I’ll get that done for you,” Benjamin said.

“Also,” Emmeline continued, “There’s a bridal boutique here that really bothers me. If I remember correctly, they’re renting from us. I want it gone before this evening.”

“Send the location to me, and I’ll settle the rest for you,” Benjamin said.

Emmeline ended the call and sent her current location to him.

“Hahaha!” The women and the manager burst out laughing as though they had just heard the funniest joke of the century.

“I didn’t expect her to be even more shameless!

“Does she think she can fool us with

that pathetic attempt of a joke?

Hahaha! I’m dying!”

Suddenly, the shrill ringing of a phone interrupted everyone’s laughter.

It was Mrs. Serge’s phone.

While taking her phone from her handbag, she said smugly, “It’s my husband. He’s probably asking if I have enough pocket money!”


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