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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 71

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 71

Alondra helped Alana to her feet. “She’s pregnant, and she’s easily frightened by intense scenes.”

“Quick, bring her back to the living room so she can rest,” Rosaline said. “She’s carrying my grandchild!”

The bodyguards dragged the man out of the bushes, tied him up, and splashed cold water on him.

At the same time, the family doctor confirmed that Emmeline was

indeed drugged, and the surveillance footage was retrieved.

Everyone could see the young man approach Emmeline, hand her a glass of red wine, and coax her several times to drink.

Even though Emmeline drove that young man away after a short while, they could see her face was

beginning to redden.

“Who brought this guest here?” Adrien roared angrily. He wanted to chop that man into a million pieces.

“You b*stard! Alana suddenly pounced on that man and slapped him with full force. “How dare you drug my cousin? I’ll kill you!”

“That’s right!” Alondra slapped the man’s other cheek. “You deserve to die for harming my stepdaughter!”

The young man instantly understood they wanted him to take the fall. He could not expose their involvement even if Adrien killed him.

If he did, he was not going to escape from the two women’s clutches!

“Have mercy on me, Mr. Ryker! I gatecrashed the party to score some

free food and alcohol, and was aroused by the sight of that beautiful woman. But I didn’t manage to lay a finger on her! She nearly killed me before I could do anything!”

“You deserve to die!” Adrien followed

up with two more punches.

Abel came over and kicked the

young man twice, which caused him to pass out once more.

“Stop it, both of you!” Landen said with a frown. “We’re not going to mar the happy occasion with that guy’s death. Just throw him out!”

“He got away easy this time!” Adrien said angrily. “How dare he try to violate my wife. He’d better pray I don’t meet him again!”

Emmeline was brought to the guest room to rest, and Adrien guarded the

entrance with the three boys.


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