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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 79

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 79

“The nanny said Ms. Louise had left for the hospital early in the morning,” the bodyguard explained.

“Oh,” Abel replied. No wonder I didn’t hear anything in her room earlier. I thought she was still angry at me.

He thought for a moment before reaching toward the breakfast box in the bodyguard’s hands. “Let me deliver it.”

The bodyguard handed the boxes to Abel.

In the ICU ward, Hesperus had already woken up, but his face remained pale.

He had inhaled the dirty water in the pond, and his lungs were infected.

Emmeline discreetly administered several injections, which made him

feel a lot better.

“Mommy.” With tears in his eyes, Hesperus took Emmeline’s hands. “I’m sorry to make you worry.”

“Don’t say that, my baby.” Emmeline placed a finger over his lips. She sounded like she was about to sob. “I’m happy that you’re okay. I nearly lost you.”

“I’m already feeling a lot better.” Hesperus wiped the tears away from Emmeline’s eyes. “I’ll stay close to you so you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”

“Mm. You’re a good boy, Star.” Emmeline nodded and struggled to hold her tears back.

To her, Sun, Moon, and Star were her everything. She would only be happy if the three boys were happy.

The door to the ward opened. Hesperus lifted his gaze over his mother’s shoulder and saw Abel.


“Why are you here?” Emmeline said coldly without turning around. “Didn’t tell you not to come into the ward whenever I’m around?”

Abel could tell that Emmeline must have mistaken him for Adrien.

“Ahem, it’s me.”

Emmeline was surprised to hear that voice. She turned her head around.

“It’s you!” Emmeline stood up. “I’m sorry, Mr. Ryker.”

“Breakfast.” Abel showed the two boxes in his hand. “I bought one for you and one for Star.”

Emmeline blushed slightly. The events last night were still fresh in her mind.


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