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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 87

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 87

The bodyguard did not say anything but opened the ornately carved wooden door behind him.

Alana stepped inside.

The room was spacious, and the furnishings were extravagant.

However, the atmosphere was tense, and Alana did not see anyone inside.

Alana was wondering what was going on when a hand grabbed her neck from behind.

“Ah!” Alana yelped in surprise, but the hand prevented her from making any more noises.

“Do you know why I let you come in here?” Adam’s hoarse voice was heard from behind.

Alana shuddered. She shook her head while grasping Adam’s hand.

Her face was turning purple, and her eyes were filled with panic.

“Because want you to know the consequences of disturbing me!”

Alana blinked hard and forced’a sound from her throat.

Adam tossed her on the floor and stepped on her face. “Why did you look for me?”

“Cough cough! Cough cough!” Alana coughed hard a few times and clung onto Adam’s shoe. “I need you to help me to stop Adrien from going to the hospital.”

Adam narrowed his gaze. “What do you mean?”

Alana briefly explained the situation to him.

Adam smirked. “Heh. So the three whelps belong to Abel.”

“That’s right,” Alana said, “But I don’t want him to find out. What will I do if he ends up marrying Emmeline?”

“How do you want me to help you?” Adam thought it was very interesting.

Maybe he could use Alana to trigger Abel’s downfall.

Abel snatched the position of the CEO of Ryker Group from him and humiliated him in front of the whole family!

“Find some way to stop Adrien from going to the hospital.” Alana got up from the floor and leaned coyly on Adam’s chest. “I cannot let the truth be exposed.”


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