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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 14

  Scarlett POV

  The guards left in haste instead of doing what I ordered, I could see pure fear in their eyes, it was the last thing everyone expected, there was a strange aura around her when she passed me,

  She brought down the guard with a blow, I watched as it happened and saw the power that encircled her fist,

  I wasn't so surprised, mom and dad had always told me she is a demon spy, they had told me she has secret powers, never knew she would use it on the guards without minding me seeing it, I'm going to tell Mom, I'll tell them what she did,

  I just wish she can be killed and forgotten forever, she is so cruel to kill her mother, well, it is normal, all demons are heartless,

  With a deep sigh, I got prepared for school, I am so happy to start this new school especially when I'll be meeting him once again, I got no chance to talk to him when he came for my birthday, he didn't even act as he saw me, he left with his father so early and I lost the chance to get close to him,

  I thought I've lost hope not until I learnt that he would be attending the same school as me, the most interesting part is that we are staying in the same class, his name is Jason the son of Alpha Javier, how can I describe his unique handsomeness, he rarely smiles but yet his cuteness is overwhelming,

  I get lost staring at him, his body is well built with those muscles, I love the way his hair glow, everything about him makes me go giddy, I must make him mine, he is surely going to my mate, I'm sure of that,

  I am 15 and will find my mate next year, he must be the one...

  I rushed over to my dairy and took out his picture, I've taken the shots that day he attended my birthday,

  "Jason I love you..." I mumbled with my eyes glinting, his face is just so perfect, I couldn't help but imagine myself kissing those lips,

  "Aren't you done!" I heard the voice of my brother Dorian as he walked into my room,

  "I'm done" I whined shoving the diary book into my bag, I hung it around my shoulder loosely before stepping out,

  "The car has been waiting and you kept us waiting" he grumbled and I pat his shoulder,

  "Don't eat me, I'm a female, we need to look more enchanting and sexy to entice out mate, unlike you males" I rolled my eyes playfully making him giggle a bit...

  We both head out holding hands, I love my brother, he would always stand by me every time I get into trouble, he had made his first shift and acts as a father already.

  "How was the first shift, I'm afraid of the pain," I asked with a babyface,

  "Don't trouble yourself till then" he faces me with a reassuring smile,

  I nodded and we both hopped into the car, the driver drove us off and just as we got out of the gate, my eyes caught a glimpse of someone standing beside the gate looking up to the building,

  "Stop!" I ordered the driver leaving everyone confused,

  He was quite far but he looked like Jason, the car was the same as the one he came with on my birthday,

  I quickly stepped out of the car and ran to him, I can't just control myself, he must be here waiting for me, who knows he might have also felt this feeling I had too and must have come to see me again, what else would make him come to our Royal park house this morning,

  My heartbeat increased its pace, I felt hit throb in great joy as I came closer to him, he was still looking so hot and sexy as always,

  "Jason...." I called and he turned to me sharply.


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