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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 22

  Dad stared at me from head to toe, then from toe to the head, he arched his brow, grit his teeth, make a growl, he seemed dumbed to talk,

  "Elena how could you disobey the Alpha???...how dare you take the opportunity of that battle to leave this place, do you know the damage you must have caused the alpha???" Elf snorted and I threw a glare at her,

  "Dad, I'm sorry I went out, please forgive me." I pleaded even when I know it is useless, like how would father forgive me?

  He would rather torture me more than forgiving me especially when it was an act of going against his order!

  "Where do I you went to?" He asked with his voice deep and full of disgust and contempt, my presence was eating him deeply,

  "I had a walk around, to avoid anyone seeing me, and wore a hoody cloth" I explained and he scoffed,

  "She is lying darling, I'm good at knowing when one is lying, she is a bloody liar, it seems she went to see her clan!" Elf blurted and I turned at her with a sneer wondering if she was insane, like was she out of her mind to say such a thing in front of me after knowing I've found out the truth.

  "Elena is that true?" Dad howled standing up from the couch having a scary face that took me aback, I was so afraid right now, dad is the strongest of all, he's hit on me is enough to break my bones,

  My heart flipped as I moved back with fear gripping me, my legs went cold,

  "It is not true, it can never be true because I'm not a demon, I don't any clan" I pleaded the more,

  "She where did you go???...." he asked drawing more closely while I whimper,

  "Dad, I went to see around this town and nothing else, but you have to listen to me this last time, I know you won't believe it because I'm the one saying this, it would sound weird and you will get angry at it, but it is the truth...." I sniffed glancing at Elf who had a gloating smile on her face,

  "You dared to call me father..." he huffed and before I could see it coming, his lunch landed on my belly making me crash on the floor,

  "That woman over there is the real demon!!!...she is in disguise and is here to destroy our pack, please don't fall into it, I don't want to lose you like I lost mom?!?!" I shrieked gritting my teeth to absorb the pain,

  "What are you saying? have you become mad already?" he asked sneering at me,

  "I swear, I saw it, she also confess it to me that she would destroy us all as revenge, I know you won't believe me but give it a try, call the sorcerer to give her that concoction to drink, you will see her real form blown out I swear!!!!" I shrieked to daddy with my heart heavy,

  I was so afraid of losing any of them in the hand of Elf yet it seems they won't listen to me,

  Dad arched his brow and glanced back at Elf then to me,

  "You are trying to tell me my Luna is a demon?" he raised his brow.

  "That is the only truth and the earlier you believe and give it a try, the safer we are" I mumbled and he paused like he was having some thought,

  "Guards!!!" he called out and five of them rushed out,

  "Take her into her room and lock her up, she is not allowed to come out for any reason, the key should be given to me, I can't allow her to disgrace me!" he huffed and I quickly held his hand and knelt,

  "I know everyone including you hates me, but please don't lock me up, please I still want to be cooking and..

.." my words were incomplete as a hot slap slammed my face from the back,

  I turned and saw it was Elf, this made me heartburn in rage,

  "I'll expose you someday!!!" she yelled making me laugh,

Chapter 22 1

Chapter 22 2


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