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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 24

  Elena's POV

  The fire burning in my body finally died down and I fell heavily on the ground with much force that made me hit my head on the floor heavily,

  I shrilled and held my head, tears falling off freely, the pain was so intense like a huge blow, It was strange and I don't know what happened, all I could tell was that I just fought with someone in spirit form...

  "I'm sorry..." I heard a female voice sound in me before dying down like it never came,

  "Who are you and what did you do to me???" I asked with a deep groan but got no reply,

  "What happened to me!" I questioned that voice with a louder voice but the silence lingered,

  "Lena, who was that?" I asked and she sighed,

  "I don't know what you are talking about, I just don't feel comfortable before now, your body was so hot for me to stay and powers were oozing out, what kind of Hybrid are you?" She asked and I took a deep sigh raising myself from the ground,

  I plopped on the bed heavily grunting as my head pound,

  Someone just used my spirit to fight or something, I don't just understand myself, I'm too weird and unusual...

  Just as I shut my eyes, my mind flashed to him, Jason, his cute face filled my head and I couldn't help smiling, everything about him was so perfect, his eyes, hair, and nice jaw, so cute and charming,

  My body shivered at the thought of how he held me tenderly, my body had got so close to him, the sensation of crazy...

  Oh God, I shut my eyes tightly knotting myself together with those sweet memories feeling my head that I forgot the strange thing that happened to my body recently,


  Jason's POV...

  Finally, the school bell rang for closure making a deep sigh of relief escape my lips, I need to go back to him and rest on my bed, I'm so sad and pissed off,

  Since I came back from saving Elena, I returned to school and just couldn't concentrate, I can't hear a single word from the teacher, all my thought was on Elena as I wonder what punishment she may receive,

  I blamed myself for not going back to her pack with her, I may be of help and elude her from any punishment, I could have just cooked up some lies and save her...

  This pained me and I growled deeply burying my head into my palm, her beautiful face was filling my memory, I stupidly wished I kissed her that moment her body was on mine...

  "Would she come to that garden again tomorrow??" I mused and breathed,

  "I pray she does, I need to ask her for forgiveness for going to the pack to plead on her behalf,

  "Hey, Jason where had you went to after break period?" The voice of Scarlett jolted me back to reality and I growled raising my gaze to her sharply...

  "What?" I questioned with a deep frown,

  "You left for somewhere after the break, I saw you, it was like you were after someone?...who was that?" She threw another question and I couldn't help but scoff before picking my bag,

  "You disgust me!" I spat walking away with my guards flanking me immediately, I was so angry recalling that Scarlett was also part of Elena's pain,


  I got to my car and made to hop in when someone held my hand,


  I turned only to see it was Scarlett again, this time she was standing with her brother Dorian,

  I stared at her grip on then to her,

  "Jason, aren't you aware my beautiful sister like you, I'm here to...

  "Get your grip off me!" I gruffed,

  "Jason, do you hate me?" She asked and I was just so enraged,

  With all the strength I got, I slapped her heavily across her cheek making her fall heavily on her butt down the ground with a heavy thud,

  Dorian saw it and attacked me but I caught his punch easily and headbutt him hardly, he fell off with a deep groan,

  I stared at them with my eyes bloodshot, her voice resounded in my memories, she had run away from that garden all because of Scarlett, you can't tell how I hated these two right now

Chapter 24 1

Chapter 24 2


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