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The Rejected Hybrid novel Chapter 3

  It was bearable to have everyone hate you for taking the Luna's life which they all concluded, was better but having your father who caused your birth also hating you is so terrible and I can't help but feel broken!

  "Making her a slave isn't enough!!!" the beta's mate chipped In and I felt my heart flinch...

  "I just wonder if she would ever have a mate??..who would be her mate?...that person is so unlucky, she is surely going to kill him like the monster she is!" The beta snorted.

  "Can we just banish her away from this park!!" The Luna Elf spoke out for the first time and my heart leapt off its rib making me look up abruptly.

  That is the worst that can happen to a werewolf, being a rogue, it's the same as being killed, just that it is more miserable and shameful, you would forever be a disgrace, any alpha who finds you, would surely take your life most terribly, you surely going to be like a plague.

  Tears covered my eyes as I looked up and my gaze fell on the alpha King's eyes, it was like he was contemplating the words of Elf, 

  "I think I would be....."

  He couldn't finish his words before I lose balance and fainted...

  I can't bear hearing it, he wants to banish me!!


  My eyes fluttered and opened wide as a full bucket of water drenched my whole body, cold shrills went through my whole body...

  I looked up to see who poured the water on me and saw it was one of the guards, the floor was cold making me sit up immediately...

  I rubbed my face to clear my vision, weakness filled me, my head hurts so badly, it was pounding like hell making me feel dizzy.

  "Would you stand up from there and return  to work, do you think fainting can save you???" I heard the gruff voice of the guard with a kick...

  I arched my brow as my brain went blank, I couldn't recall what brought me here and right now he mentioned fainting, I was so confused at how and why I fainted...

  "Would you get your a***s off there you monster!" The voice went louder and echoed in my head followed by a heavy knock this time, 

  I shrieked at the pain before springing up abruptly, the pounding of my head increased after the knock and I felt like I would die, the pain was just so excruciating...

  With my blurry vision, I looked around and saw I was in an empty room, I shut my eyes and took a deep breath before opening it again, this time I could see a bit clearer...

  My eyes rolled over every corner of the room then I found out I was in the dungeon,


  My eyes widened and I stared at the guards with a questioning look...

  "What I'm I doing here and how did I get here?" I asked and got no reply as they all walked out with those grim faces that made them scarier...

  The pungent scent covered my nostril making me feel like throwing up, my stomach grumbled both from hunger and the really bad scent, that was the reason the men left...

  I helped and covered my nose finding my way out from the same place they passed through, at least I was bound in here, here is just the worst place anyone would be kept, staying here for a day can kill you and your wolf, who would be able to bear this bad scent...


  I finally got out and reached the dining table, my gaze went over to the plates on the table and that was when all that happened flashed through my memory sending me cringing in terror...


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