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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 

A dark look crossed over his face when I mentioned the name and I held my breath as I watched him carefully wondering what he was going to say or do next

I know of him,he said finally, Although if I’m not mistaken, he isn’t Alpha yet.” 

I nodded, His father is Alpha but he practically leads already.” 

He rejected you,it wasn’t posed as a question but I knew he was expecting an answer so I nodded, Then he’s a fucking idiot.” 

I wasn’t expecting that response and my eyes widened to the point of saucers. Ryker noticed and he laughed at my expression

We sat there at the bank of the lake telling each other random facts about. ourselves. He told me that he wrote letters to his sister every week even though she never wrote back because she felt like he was smothering her too much

He told me that his favorite color used to be blue but as of lately, it has become a warm hazel and when I asked why, he didn’t respond. He also told me that when he was younger, he enjoyed to paint but ever since he became Alpha, he hasn’t had time to do it

It was fun just being able to sit and listen to each other talk. I didn’t realize how late it had gotten until my stomach grumbled loudly. I flushed a crimson color and Ryker just laughed and led me to my feet

It’s alright,” he assured me on our walk back, I should have realized how late it was getting.” 

Despite his assurances, I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. Back at 

Tyson’s pack, I could go days without eating a decent meal but ever since. I got here, it is like my b*dy has gotten so used to being taken care of that I cannot even fathom going back to the life I lived before

A part of me wondered how long this would last. But another part- a more hopeful part- wanted to believe Ryker when he said he wanted me and believe that he wouldn’t hurt me or delegate me to a life like the one Tyson and his father made me live

By the time we got to the house, Eve had already set the table for the both of us. I knew he must have mind linked her because there was no way she would have known that we were returning at that exact moment 

and have set the table in time for us to arrive

How do you do that?I asked before I could stop myself, Mind link someone.” 

You don’t know how?he asked and I shook 

I don’t have a wolf remember,” 

Did you ever try?” 

my head

I was never an official member of the pack. Alpha Jackson said he would. make me one after I shifted but I never did,I tried to play it off as a casual thing, but the thought still hurt, I was never able to try it out.” 

I’m not that upset though,” I assured him, if I was part of the pack then running away would have been a lot harder.” 

He opened his mouth to speak but closed it almost immediately. I saw him exhale sharply and he clenched his fists on the table until his knuckles turned white. After a second, his b*dy relaxed and he opened his eyes to look at me

He opened his mouth to speak but at that exact moment, Eve walked in with a huge jar of what smelled like fruit juice. She placed it in the centre. of the table then bowed to both of us and disappeared back the way she 


It’s like talking only you do it in your head,he made a sound that was a mixture between a sigh and a laugh. I’ve never had to explain it to anyone before but it is like a bridge between your mind and everyone else’s. Just picture that bridge and whoever you want to talk to at the other end.” 

I didn’t realize it was that easy.” 

When you’re part of the pack you’ll be able to try it out for yourself.” 

If I’m part of the pack,I corrected but he shook his head

It’s going to happen Camilla,” he assured me, The only thing that’s stopping it is your readiness. I have zero plans of letting you go. I think it’s time that you realized that.”

If someone else had said that, I would have probably been alarmed and a little scared but coming from Ryker, it had the exact opposite effect. It made me feel special and my lower belly clenched as the words left his l*ps. I cursed my b*dy for being a traitor and I saw the corner of his l*ps. lift up as he watched my ears turn pink

I instantly turned away from him and shoved a forkful of eggs into my 

mouth in an attempt to wash away the previous conversation.. 

After dinner, I thanked Ryker for taking me to the lake and all but ran off to my room. Once I was safely behind my door I finally let out a breath I didn’t know that I was holding

I stripped out of my clothes and after a long awaited and needed bath, I changed into a pale pink night gown. I was about to get into bed when I heard a knock on my door. I slowly and hesitantly made my way over to it and opened it to reveal Ryker

He was still in his clothes and I wondered what he was doing at my door

We will resume training tomorrow,he told me with an amused expression, Unless of course, you don’t want to.” 

I’ll be there.” 

Well then, goodnight Camilla.” 

Goodnight,the word was barely out of my mouth before I had shut the door

I knew it was a bit rude and I heard his laugh echo from the other side of the door so I knew he wasn’t upset. I waited until I heard his footsteps recede before I made my way over to my bed and buried my face into my pillows

The next morning, I was awake and waiting at the foot of the steps before Ryker even came down. Eve handed me the bottle of waters that we would need during training and I had just taken them from her hands when I felt Ryker’s presence behind me

He was completely shirtless and I felt my mouth dry up as I drank him in. his wound- or what was left of his wound was now just a scar on his otherwise perfect skin. He walked over to me and took the bottles from my hand and I couldn’t even form a sentence as his entire presence threatened to overwhelm me

Good morning,he breathed by my ear and I felt an unfamiliar rush of wetness between my thighs, Are you ready to train?” 

I- yes,” I was thankful that my voice sounded stable even though I was anything but at the moment

He placed a hand on the small of my back and his fingers grazed my bare skin as he led me out of the kitchen and towards our training spot

I could barely concentrate on whatever he was teaching me. I don’t know 

why I was reacting like this but it had never happened to me before, not even with Tyson. My skin prickled once he was near and I was feeling things in places I didn’t know I could feel things

In that moment, I was actually grateful that we didn’t have a mind link or else he might have been able to feel everything that I was feeling and that would have been very embarrassing for me

I think we should take a break.Ryker’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts


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