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The Rejected Werewolf Princess by Didiadeyemi novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 


By the time Christine was done speaking, I was staring at her in shock and confusion. She had dragged us back into Ryker’s office so she could lay out the papers in her hands and despite that, I was still utterly confused

He’s using tunnels,I said feeling and sounding stupid and she nodded. How didn’t we know about the tunnels? How didn’t you know about the tunnels? Surely my mother would have told you.” 

I don’t think she knew,she answered honestly. The tunnels aren’t even shown on any of the blueprints. The only way I know about them ist because I found the old architectural notes. The original ones are obviously lost but every three years they are rewritten to keep the integrity. I found the ones from just after your parents got married and it talks about the tunnels but the next one doesn’t‘ 

Someone asked them to stop writing about it,I deduced and she nodded. I turned to Ryker. He didn’t meet with his mistress in the palace. He met with her outside and he used the tunnels to do so. He must have either told Frederick or his mother did. That’s how Frederick. is getting in.” 

Ryker turned to Christine. Do you have any idea where the tunnel. entrances are?” 

She shook her head. All I know is that they span the entire length of the castle and underground but nothing else is said. I think there were more to the notes but most of them are lost. I’m sorry.” 

I placed a hand on her shoulder. There is nothing to be sorry about. You have been a tremendous help and you have no idea. Thank you so much. I am sure that we will find something in his journal. If he truly loved this. woman then he would not be able to resist talking about her.” 

She nodded and grabbed the papers then left. Ryker and I went to the dining room where Audrey was waiting patiently. I felt bad for keeping her waiting especially when I saw that she was already half asleep. She still fought to have dinner with us despite the fact that she was one wrong move away from falling face first into her meal

After dinner, Ryker and I tucked her into bed and once we were certain that both children were asleep, we made our way back to our room

Thanks to Ryker sending me to rest during the day, I wasn’t nearly as exhausted as I should have been but looking at my mate and the dark circles beginning to form under his eyes, I knew he needed rest so when he picked up the journal to pick up from where he left, I took it out of his hands

You need to rest,I told him and his eyes narrowed playfully. I can take over tonight.” 

I don’t feel comfortable sleeping when you’re awake.” 

I rolled my eyes at him. I’m not going to die if I’m left alone for five minutes.” He stared at me blankly to let me know that my joke wasn’t funny so I sighed. Fine, we’ll both go to sleep then

I knew he didn’t trust my words which was smart of him because I had no plans of going to sleep. I put the journal on my bedside table and kay directly next to him so he was wrapped around me from behind. The temptation to just close my eyes and fall asleep was great but I pushed past it and fought to keep my eyes open. I waited until I felt Ryker’s breathing even out which surprisingly didn’t take long considering how tired he was

Once I was sure he was asleep, I reached out for the journal and started. reading

I must have fallen asleep while reading because the next thing I knew, Ryker was pulling the journal out of my hand gently. I realized that he was dressed and the curtains were open to allow light filter into the room. He smiled at me and didn’t say anything about me tricking him. Instead, he leaned down and placed a k*ss on my forehead

What time is it?my voice was still sleep induced

Shortly after six,” he answered and I practically rushed out of bed and started rushing into the bathroom. Shit!” 

What’s wrong?Ryker asked and I could practically feel the concern bleeding off him. Is something wrong?” 

I forgot to tell you last night but we have a meeting by 8 and after that I need to talk to the scribes to see if anyone knows anything about the tunnels then we have to speak to the spies who are going to look for said. entrances and-” 

Ryker placed steady hands on my shoulders cutting me off mid rant. Breathe, baby,” he instructed and he waited until I had exhaled deeply before he continued. We can take this one at a time starting with our 

daughter who didn’t get to spend enough time with us last night then we can handle the rest, okay?” 

I nodded

Good, now get ready. I can handle things until then.” 

Ryker served as a reminder to stay calm and I knew that if it weren’t for him, I would have lost my mind. Aurora refused to be put down today so I had to carry her everywhere. Ryker tried to take her from me a few times but she would immediately start fussing. The meeting ran longer than it should have, the scribes knew nothing, Frederick had dropped another page and add a screaming baby to that, I felt like I was losing my 


By the time we were done with the spies, I just wanted to flop on my bed and fall asleep. I made my way back to my office with Ryker in tow. When we got to the door, he stopped me

Let me take her,he gestured to Aurora who was fast asleep on my shoulder and I hesitated. She’s sleeping, she will barely notice. You need a second to get yourself back together

I narrowed my eyes at him. Are you implying that I’m losing my mind?” 


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