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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 1

Swallowston, the biggest city in Navia.

Something astounding happened.

A private cruise ship appeared on the horizon of the Swallowston Sea. Hundreds of fighter jets escorted the ship from the air while an aircraft carrier sailed behind it. Cars pulled over and onlookers were stopped behind a yellow line. All to open up a path for a legend.

The person was rumored to be a bigshot, the protector of Swallowston, bearing the title of “War Legate.”

“Welcome back, War Legate!” a roar came from the pier where ten thousand soldiers were lined up, looking in high spirits.

A young man disembarked from the ship. He looked majestic with his head held high. He had an air of confidence that could change the mood of wherever he went and seemed unbeatable.

The man was a legend in the military and a hero of the country. He was given the title of “War Legate” and was only second to one other person. He founded the Blood Corps which was sharp as a sword and was undefeatable.

This man was a legend.

“General Summers, have you found out what happened?” Adrian Xander stopped in his tracks and turned to ask.

Seven years ago, he left the Xander family behind in Swallowston. Adrian’s father, Henry Xander, was a merchant and had established the Paraiso Group, the biggest corporation in Swallowston. Unfortunately, his father passed away after catching an incurable disease.

To ensure that Adrian takes over Paraiso, Henry arranged a fiancee for him so that he would wed and start his own family. But the day after his wedding to Samantha Cowell, Adrian’s grandfather, Harold Xander, used his position as his guardian to pull some strings so Adrian, who was not yet eighteen, was shipped off to the army base at the border.

It was the most dangerous location to be at.

What Harold hoped was that his grandson would not return from the border so he could obtain Paraiso and give it to his two other sons. He never expected Adrian to return.

“Yes, sir.”

Daniel Summers, the general, replied, “Your father’s company has been bought over by the Xander Group. Currently, your eldest uncle is running it. Your grandfather is the chairman.”

“Just as I predicted. My father’s company is now theirs.” Adrian smirked.

Harold’s favorite had always been Adrian’s eldest uncle, but Adrian never thought that his grandfather would go to such lengths for him.

Daniel said, “It’s your grandfather’s seventieth birthday today and there will be a party at Xander Manor. Your mother and sister will be in attendance. Do you plan on going?”

“Tell him that the war legate will be personally attending his birthday celebration to wish him a happy birthday.”

“Yes, sir.”


That evening, at Xander Manor.

It was Harold Xander’s seventieth birthday. There were three tables ladened with food in the dining area.

Harold sat at the head of the table and was surrounded by his family.

“Grandfather, this is a crystal statuette of Zeus I got for you. It’s worth four thousand dollars.”

“Father, I got these tea leaves from the highlands, and they’re worth four thousand and five hundred dollars.”

Everyone started presenting their gifts to him.

Harold nodded. “Thank you all.”

“Father, can you lend me some money, please? Adaline is in university and I need a bit more to pay her tuition.”

Someone’s question ended the wholesome scene. Everyone looked toward the mother and daughter at the corner of the room.

It was Adrian’s mother, Rue Blanchet. The woman in her twenties sitting next to her, was Adrian’s sister, Adaline.


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