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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 18

In the next few days, the city grew increasingly excited about the Swallow Central investment conference.

The legate and his wife became a hot topic.

There was then further news that Battle Warrior Lucas was back in Swallowston and Swallow Central was locked down in preparation for the conference.

This sent ripples throughout Swallowston.


The day of the conference finally arrived.

All the invited corporations and families went to Swallow Central to attend the conference.

Every one of them was excited to see the legate and his wife.

Samantha did not go to the office that morning but was instead spacing out at home. No one knew what was on her mind.

Adrian, on the other hand, had left home early in the morning. Even Samantha had no idea where he had gone.

“What’s on your mind, Sam?” Rue saw her spacing out on the couch and asked.

Samantha looked at Rue and replied, “Mother, something feels off today. I feel as if something big is going to happen. My eyelid keeps twitching.”

Rue smiled. “Isn’t it the day of the investment conference? I saw a lot of people heading toward Swallow Central. Aren’t you going to the office today?”

“We have a holiday today because too many people wish to see the legate,” Samanta replied.

“Well, since you aren’t going to work, just take a good rest.”

Samantha nodded.

Adaline walked over and asked, “Sam, do you know where my brother went so early in the morning?”

Samantha shook her head. “No idea. He’s been like that for the past few days. I don’t know where he goes.”

Adaline was tired. She remembered that Adrian said he would get Samantha an invitation to the conference, but it seemed like he had been lying.

At that moment, Samantha’s phone rang, and it was a call that she did not want to pick up.

It was Clara.

“Hello, Clara. What do you want?” she asked after begrudgingly answering it.

“Haha! Samantha, I just want to tell you that our family is heading to the conference. Didn’t Adrian say he was going to get you an invitation? Where is it?” Clara taunted Samantha through the phone. The Cowells next to her giggled.

Samantha ignored them and hung up. She wanted to attend the conference too. If she did, the House of Bailar would have a chance to secure a spot at Swallow Central. She could then immediately turn the company around.

At last, she had not received an invitation.


Suddenly, there was the sound of a car door closing.

The three women looked outside.

A middle-aged man in uniform walked in with a few soldiers. The man had a one-star insignia on his shoulder.

When the three women saw the insignia, they were shocked. They could tell that this man was important.

“Sorry, you are?”

“Greetings, my ladies, I am Derek Woods. I work for the legate. He had instructed us to come here and give you a ride to the investment conference,” the man named Derek said politely to the three women.


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