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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 35

Adaline was at a loss and did not know what to do.

She anxiously said, “My brother doesn’t know his place, Harry. Please don’t lower yourself to his level. Here, I’ll agree to be your girlfriend!”

Harry's ego blew up upon hearing Adaline’s offer. The more fearful she was, the more it signified that Adrian was a deadbeat. He decided to show due respect to Adaline after she had expressed hers.

Harry waved dismissively. “That won’t do. I won’t consider anyone’s feelings in this matter. Not even yours, Ada. I insist on teaching him a lesson today.”

Harry stood up and walked toward Adrian.

“Great, I agree. Before anything else, let’s give this peasant a good beating,” Stella cheered.

The group chimed in, “We support you, Harry!”

Harry smiled. He was the star of today. Everyone’s focus was on him. He would be humiliated if he allowed this peasant to disrespect him.

“Please, Harry!” Adaline tried to stand in Harry’s way to stop him from hitting Adrian.

“Come here, Ada!” Stella pulled Adaline to her side upon seeing this.

At this moment, Harry had already arrived before Adrian. He sneered and said, “You piece of sh*t. You have two legs. Either you bow to me and apologize, or I’ll break them. Choose.”

Adrian smiled and said, “It has always been people who bow down to me. Why would I bow down to anyone?”

Adaline shut her eyes as soon as she heard Adrian’s remark. She had lost all hope in him. The situation was already so dire, and she had no idea where he got the confidence to say these words.

Kevan, Stella, and the others burst out laughing.

‘How conceited of Adrian to say that. Perhaps he’s unaware of Harry’s capabilities?’ they thought.

Harry was utterly infuriated. He had been part of the underworld for so long and thus had plenty of experience dealing with people.

“All right, deadbeat. You’re bold. I’ll give you that. I hope you won’t regret what’s coming because I’m about to make my move!” Harry shrugged his arms. He could break wood with his punches and was an exceptional fighter.


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