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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 51

Adrian smiled upon hearing that. “In that case, let’s get prepared.”

Samantha nodded. If Swallowston Bank took the liberty to call, it signified that Bailar’s funding issue could be easily solved.

She felt rather excited. Without a moment’s hesitation, she quickly packed up and drove to Swallowston Bank’s headquarters with Adrian.


Half an hour later, Adrian and Samantha arrived at Swallowston Bank’s headquarters.

As soon as they got out of the car, Samantha walked toward the bank in excitement. However, a voice rang out before she stepped into the building. “Isn’t that my cousin and his wife? What a coincidence, meeting you guys here.”

Samantha was stunned.

Adrian turned around to see who it was. He saw a young man dressed in a suit and a woman walking over to them from the bank’s entrance.

Samantha furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of the young man. His name was Cedric Xander, and he was Adrian’s cousin. He was Harold’s grandson and Leonard’s son.

“Let’s go, ignore him,” Samantha said to Adrian. She had no intention of paying Cedric any heed.

Even though Cedric was Adrian’s cousin, he had frequently come around seeking trouble with Samantha when Adrian had not been around the past few years. He had even declared that he wanted to sleep with Samantha. He offered her seventy thousand dollars to sleep with him.

Samantha was extremely disgusted by Cedric’s actions.

Adrian planned on paying no attention to Cedric since Samantha told him so.


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