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The Return of the War Legate by Celestial Clouds novel Chapter 6

Adrian gave a few more instructions before hanging up the call.

“Celine Blanche… You’ll pay with your life.”


The next day, Adrian got up early and prepared breakfast.

When Rue woke up and saw what he had done, she was shocked. “Adrian, why did you…”

He smiled. One of the reasons he came home was to try and lessen her burden.

“Breakfast is ready. Could you wake Ada and Sam for breakfast please?” he asked.

Rue sighed because she no longer recognized her son. However, she was relieved that he was back. She did not plan to ask for more.

Soon after, Adaline and Samantha stirred and walked out of their rooms.

Upon seeing that Adrian had made breakfast, Samantha was surprised, but it soon turned into disappointment. She was disappointed because she thought that was the only thing he planned to do upon his return.

“Sam, have some breakfast,” Adrian said to her.

Adaline walked over and sat down on the couch. “If all you learned these past seven years was to cook, you’re pretty much useless. Is this all you’re capable of?”

Adrian smiled sadly but did not say anything in return.

Samantha sat down and spoke to Rue. “Mother, I’ll be heading to Alyanz later to find Celine. I want to get my company back. Ada will be going off to university soon. We can’t support her studies without the company.”

Rue was anxious. “Sam, Celine is trouble. She won’t hand the company back to you and might even think of other ways to attack you.”

“I have to try,” Samantha said.

Rue stopped protesting because she knew Bailar was Samantha’s sweat and tears. “All right then, I’ll go with you. If there were more of us, she would be less likely to do anything.”

“Yes, Sam, we’ll go with you!” Adaline chimed in.

Rue nodded. If everyone went together, Celine probably would not get physically violent.

If it was one life, it would not be that much of a problem. But if a whole family was involved, things might blow up.

Adrian said, “Sam, Mother, don’t worry. I’ll get Bailar back.”

Samantha glanced at Adrian but did not say a word. She pretended to not hear what he said.


Swallowston, Alyanz Chamber of Commerce.

This was the city’s biggest chamber of commerce and a lot of the corporations and companies were under it, including Bailar.

Devin was the reason Samantha had been kicked out of Alyanz. Together with Celine’s help, they managed to bankrupt Bailar.

Samantha had been forced into giving away her company to Alyanz.

Today was the first day of the takeover, so Celine announced a few days ago that there would be an agreement-signing event to take over the House of Bailar from Samantha in an attempt to gain more investments and partnerships.

A crowd had gathered at Alyanz Tower, among which included executives from several corporations.

After breakfast, Samantha, Rue, Adaline, and Adrian arrived at the crowded building.


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