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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 113

Nicole raised her head. The rain still obscured her vision, and she desperately tried to keep her eyes open. She reached out her hand and felt someone in front of her.

Before Nicole could withdraw her hand, somebody had grabbed it. Nicole then found herself in the arms of someone she could barely recognize under the merciless rain.

She then scented the man that now held her tightly. No doubt it was Kerr.

"Director Ning!" Jared called out through the rain.

Feeling Nicole falling forward, Jared couldn't help screaming. When he stepped forward, he found her in Kerr's arms and shut up.

"Who allowed you to come here?"

Kerr hurriedly took off his suit jacket and put it over Nicole's head. Even in the darkness, he could see her bright eyes clearly. He could feel that she was already drenched from the rain.

How could she have possibly gone here in such bad weather?


Leaning against Kerr, Nicole struggled to say something but could not. The pouring rain and raging wind made explaining very difficult and uncomfortable.

Nicole's faith on finding Kerr alive and well was what kept her going through this cold, wet hell and back. Now that Kerr was in front of her, her knees buckled with relief.

She desperately grabbed onto Kerr to keep herself from falling.

"It's all right. I got you."

Kerr helped Nicole up. He could see his car's headlights flickering not far away, so he carried her in his arms and walked toward the car.

Ken saw Kerr and Nicole through the rain and hurried back to the car to open the door for them.

"Do you have any dry clothes in here?" Kerr asked Ken.

He threw his jacket aside.

He proceeded to untangle Nicole gently out of her raincoat, feeling Nicole's cold skin against his.

"No, I don't. But there are dry bath towels at the back."

Ken raised the temperature in the car while Kerr took care of Nicole. He saw flickering lights in the rear-view mirror.

"There are cars coming here," Ken said.

Nicole opened her eyes and looked at Kerr.

"That's Kim and his men. He ran into fallen trees looking for you up in the mountains. The road's completely blocked. The cars can't go through. I asked them to stay behind and clear the road."

Nicole leaned her face against Kerr's chest. It was still raining like mad outside, but she had gradually calmed down. Now that Kerr was by her side, she was not afraid of anything.

"And you decided to walk up here in this weather? Are you insane?"

Kerr frowned down at Nicole. He wanted to tear her a new one for endangering her life to look for him, but he could not help feeling surprised and moved at the same time. He had never felt like this before.


Before Nicole could explain herself, Kerr's lips were upon hers.


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