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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 180

Nicole was finally relieved as she saw Moore leaving. However, she didn't know how long she could hide the truth. She really hoped that Kerr could wake up earlier, while the smugness on her face gradually disappeared.

Harley looked up at Nicole with appreciation. There were many women in the world who had liked Kerr, but she had been the only one that had given everything to protect him.

Jared stood up and walked up to Nicole. "Miss Ning, I'm going to the company now. But you should know that there will be a board meeting tomorrow morning and I'm afraid that people will be concerned if Master Kerr doesn't attend it since they know that he is back."

That was what mattered the most. They had thought that Kerr wasn't there. But now that everyone knew he had come back, it was strange that he hadn't shown up yet.

"Let me deal with it. But first, I need you to prepare an authorization letter for me so I can represent Kerr. I can't rashly appear in the Gu Group since I'm not an employee of them anymore. That's not persuasive.

It'd be much easier for me to handle things if I have the authorization of Kerr. But as for the excuse, I'll get it done." Nicole simply frowned.

Today, Nicole just temporarily scared Moore Gu away. But soon he would realize that something was wrong, so they had to think about a plan in advance before he could react.

"Jared, do you think that it's possible to find a man who looks like Kerr in terms of figure?" There was no other way. Nicole hoped that they could stall for more time.

Kerr needed more time to fully recover. Nicole became more and more unconfident as she remembered that Kerr was still unconscious. However, she knew in her heart that Kerr would wake up soon.

But she was still afraid that Kerr would wake up after many years. At that time, she didn't know if she could still be with him.

After all, even if Nicole was willing to protect Kerr, there were still a lot of people who secretly observed Kerr and waited for the right timing to hurt him.

On hearing this, Jared seemed to know what she was up to. He just nodded and said a few words to Nicole. "You're trying to divert Moore's attention, aren't you? Anyway, I'll be ready for anything that might happen."

Jared turned around and left the villa. In fact, it was not difficult to find a person who had a similar figure as Kerr, but that person's life would be put in danger.

Little did they know that there was a mysterious car that was parked outside Kerr's villa.

Sitting in the car, Moore stared at Jared with vicious eyes.

"Master Moore, what should we do now? Mr. Wang has sent me a message. Kerr was definitely on the scene of the explosion and then he was sent to the hospital. But Kerr's men have arrived there by then, so the kidnappers didn't get the exact news.

Nicole is fine, so it's hard to tell what Kerr Gu's condition is." The driver was analyzing the situation in the driver's seat. They had arranged everything well, but they didn't expect that Kerr would make it alive from the explosion.

Moore's face darkened. He had never thought of letting his brother to come back well and safe. The only thing he could do now was to change his original plan. "You useless guy, I asked you to buy the shares. What can you tell me about that?"

Moore could have the chance to compete with Kerr only when he got the shares of the Gu Group. And now, although it seemed that Jack was helping him, he didn't take any real actions. The shares in Jack's hand had not been transferred to his name yet.


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