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The Reunion After Seven Years novel Chapter 201

Just then, Jay lowered his head in frustration as he walked downstairs.

He glanced furtively at Kerr and then sank wordlessly into the seat next to Nicole. How could it be that Kerr took just a single minute to solve a problem that took him twenty?

Jay couldn't help feeling indignant about it.

The lack of conversation between Jay and Kerr stirred up weird feelings of confusion in Nicole. She dished some food onto the boy's plate.

Jay ate up in silence.

When dinner was done and the dishes cleared away, Nicole prepared a bath for Jay. Meanwhile, Kerr retreated to his study to take an international phone call.

Nicole passed a soapy sponge over the boy's back. "What's up, Jay?" she asked. "Don't you like Uncle Gu? Why did you look so sad when you came back here?"

Nicole made sure her tone was tender and careful. She knew that Jay had missed out on his father's love and care as a child. Now that Kerr was back by their side, it would surely take some time to adjust.

"I'm not sad! I'm very happy. As long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where I am."

Jay looked up and beamed a huge smile at Nicole.

Relief flooded through her as she took in his reassuring words.

Tucking Jay into bed, she leaned over and gave him a soft kiss on his forehead. "Good night, baby," she whispered.

When Jay's eyelids grew heavy, lashes lowering towards his soft cheeks, Nicole went back to her room.

But Jay was only pretending to sleep. As soon as Nicole turned her back, his eyes flew open. He glanced at the door with a smug smile.

Reaching her bedroom, Nicole pushed open the door and walked into the pitch blackness. She grasped for the light switch but instead felt someone grab her outstretched hand and hold it tightly.


Before Nicole could finish her question, she registered the familiar breathing beside her. Casting aside all her worries and tensions, she basked in the unique sensations Kerr always awoke in her.

Kerr cupped Nicole's delicate face in his hands. He'd been waiting for this moment since he first woke up. It was only when she was safe in his arms that he felt truly at peace.

"Please don't!" Nicole sensed Kerr's unmistakable desire, but her thoughts turned to the baby. She couldn't do it—it was too risky.

Kerr understood her concern. With his arms still fastened firmly around her, he walked her over to the bed. "Don't worry. I'll be gentle, I promise."

In truth, it was something Kerr had already thought about, and he'd asked Harley for advice. He'd found out what exactly he could do and how to be careful not to hurt her or the baby in her belly.

Kerr's charming voice soothed Nicole. She reached for him, throwing her arms around his neck, the corners of her mouth turning upward into a small smile.

Moonlight shone on Nicole and caught her curves in an alluring haze.

"Nicole," Kerr breathed, "you are so beautiful."

His eyes blazed with passion.

The burning intensity made Nicole blush deeply. She tried to push him away. Despite the intimacy of their connection, she couldn't help feeling shy.

Kerr gripped her outstretched hand in his palm before bringing it to his lips in a gentle kiss.


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