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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 10

Madelyn washed all the jujubes she had in her pocket, placing them neatly on the coffee table. Switching on the television, she curled up with a bowl of jujubes, lost in the enjoyment of her favorite treat. 

Rosario came out from tidying up the kitchen and immediately frowned at Madelyn lounging on the couch in her grimy clothes. Raising her hand as if to swat at her, she chided, “You little scamp, I just changed that couch cover today, and you’ve already managed to dirty it. Go back to your room and change your clothes before you come back down.” 

Madelyn, barefoot on the cool floor, dodged Rosario’s faux attack, hiding behind the couch with a giggle. “Can I get changed later, Rosario? I’m so tired. I just want to lie down for a while.” 

“You and your shenanigans. If Mr. Jardin sees your uncouth manners, you’re bound to be punished again. Madelyn, be a good girl and go back to your room.” 

“Can I finish this episode first, pretty please? There are only ten more minutes left.” Madelyn cooed sweetly at Rosario. 

“No deal. You have exams coming up, and you’re still watching TV. I’m turning it off. Go upstairs and study.” 

At that moment, Zach’s voice echoed from behind Madelyn. “Madelyn, Rosario has a weak heart. Stop making her angry all the time.” 

Madelyn froze momentarily, her dainty brows creasing slightly. ‘How did he and Jadie come back so early? Without my meddling, shouldn’t Zach have been able to take Jadie out to live as he wished? Then I could have lived happily by myself in this house.’ 

Rosario asked, “Mr. Jardin, you’re back so soon?” 

Zach placed his keys on the table, nodding. “There’s an emergency meeting at the office, so I came back to pick up some documents. I’ll take Jadie over later. For now, she can stay here for a bit.” 

Madelyn pretended to be engrossed in the television, choosing to ignore their conversation. To her surprise, Zach came over to her, his hand finding her soft, waist-length, wavy hair, affectionately tousling it. 


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