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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 107

Chapter 107 

The next day, instead of returning to normal, Madelyn’s body temperature rose even higher. Her brow trickled with sweat, and her eyes were wet with tears. 

She was so sick that she started hallucinating and rambling incoherently. If a nurse had not noticed it, she might have gone delirious from the fever. 

The caregiver that Kevin had hired only arrived in the afternoon. Rosario was used to taking care of Madelyn and brought fresh clothes for her early in the morning. She wiped away her own tears upon seeing Madelyn suffer. 

She thought, ‘I shouldn’t have let her stay at that kind of place. She’s never experienced any hardships growing up.’ Rosario deeply regretted it. 

After Madelyn received a painkiller injection, her body temperature returned to normal, but she still showed no signs of waking up. 

Rosario had to go back and could not just stay in the hospital to take care of Madelyn round the clock, so she told the caregiver what she should be mindful about when taking care of Madelyn, such as what she should and should not eat. 

Madelyn only woke up the next morning. 

The caregiver was a woman in her thirties. She was holding a bowl of bland potato soup as she fed it to Madelyn. 

After taking a few sips, Madelyn suddenly felt nauseous and vomited. 

The potatoes were undercooked and made Madelyn feel sick. 

The caregiver quickly grabbed a trash can for her to puke into. A hint of disgust glinted in her eyes as she patted Madelyn’s back. 

After Madelyn finished vomiting, the caregiver poured a glass of water for her to rinse her mouth. 

She asked, “Do you still want to drink this soup?” 

Madelyn’s stomach was in pain from the vomiting. Her face turned pale. She weakly shook her 


“No. Throw it away.’ 

She could not get used to food that was not made by Rosario, as her stomach was very sensitive. 

She suddenly craved Rosario’s walnut cake and wondered what Rosario was doing right now. She -felt like Rosario had not come to visit her in a very long time. 

Mrs. Zamora, the caregiver, did not want to waste the soup. She thought, This soup cost five to six dollars. Since she doesn’t want to drink it, I’ll just bring it back home. It’ll still taste good after heating it up.’ 

She requested the afternoon off as she had some family matters to deal with, and Madelyn let her go home. 

Aside from occasional visits from the nurses, Madelyn was alone in the ward, but she was used to 


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