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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 123

Chapter 123 

“Zach…” Madelyn still wanted to say something. But Zach just coldly interrupted, “Up to you, 


He then turned around and left. 

Tiger noticed she was nervous, “Sit down. Or you can catch up to him if you want. He isn’t far 


Madelyn unhappily sat down. The waiter brought the desserts over. 

From the atmosphere just now, Tiger sensed that something was off, but he did not ask about 

it and just chatted about other things. He introduced all the entertainment activities in Supreme World and even shared some interesting stories to lighten her mood. 

Madelyn expressed her emotions on her face, so people could easily guess what she was thinking or how she was feeling. 

Many of her classmates came to celebrate Jadie’s birthday…Apart from transferring to the same school as Madelyn, what Jadie had not told her was that she had also been placed in Class 

Six, the same as Madelyn. 

Forrest and his friends came too. 

Jadie joyfully walked into the private room surrounded by a group of girls. She completely did not notice Madelyn, who was sitting at the conspicuous seat by the window happily chatting 

with an older man. 

But Forrest, who was walking slowly behind, immediately noticed Madelyn. Adrian and Timothy were surprised to see Madelyn here. 

“What a surprise!” Timothy said, “Isn’t Jadie her sister? She didn’t invite her to her birthday party? But it makes sense… Madelyn’s so annoying, no one likes her anyway!” 

“Speaking of it, I really didn’t expect that Madelyn actually got first place in our class in the exams this time. She’s even in the top five in Class One. Did this bitch cheat?” 

Timothy indifferently said, “Don’t forget how badly Madelyn was bullied in Class Six! It’s normal that she wants to achieve good grades to change classes.” 

The two of them looked at Forrest at the same time. He was playing with his lighter. They wondered what he was thinking. 

When Forrest noticed they were looking at him, he smirked, “Why do you guys care so much?” 

Madelyn and Tiger finished their meal when the three of them arrived. 

“Are you full?” Tiger asked. 

Hayson would most likely just give her some money. She had not even touched the gift cards that he had given her last time. 

‘So, Zach is here to celebrate Jadie’s birthday,’ Madelyn thought. 

A waitress walked over at this moment and asked, “Mr. Jardin, the birthday cake that you ordered is ready. Would you like us to send it to the private room?” 

The waitress came over just in time, and Kai was busy studying Madelyn’s expression. She looked rather unbothered, which was disappointing for him. He had hoped to witness some 

dramas unfold. 

Kai tried to stir things up again and said, “Zach, don’t tell me you didn’t invite your own sister to Jadie’s birthday!” 

It was an awkward situation, and Madelyn just knew that she should not have agreed to have lunch with Tiger. 

She quickly explained, “He did, but I didn’t want to attend. I had a falling out with Jadie, so my presence would only make things awkward. Don’t worry about me, Zach… I have another class. 


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