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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 14

Class Six was on the sixth floor, with a designated elevator for students. At Ventrocloud High School, there was no early self-study session, and the classes began at nine in the morning, allowing for a relatively late start. 

Returning to her classroom, Madelyn surveyed the familiar yet foreign faces of her classmates, able to name only a few. The bell signaling the beginning of class rang out, and Madelyn hastily resumed her seat, guided by memory. Just as she was about to set down her backpack, she noticed several students glancing her way, murmuring among themselves. 

“That’s Forrest Arnold’s seat. She’s got some guts sitting there.” 

“She was on sick leave for a few days. Did she go mad or something?” 

‘What? Forrest?’ Madelyn looked at the clean, book-less desk in front of her, immediately standing up. ‘How can this be Forrest’s seat? I’ve always been in the second-to-last row. Am I not?’ 

As if by some cruel twist of fate, there stood Forrest at the entrance, clad in an untidy school uniform, his tie loosely done. He held his bag in one hand and stared defiantly at Madelyn. He clicked his tongue against his back teeth, his eyes icy cold. His stare alone was enough to give Madelyn goosebumps. Right behind him were his faithful sidekicks, Timothy Johnson and Adrian Mitchell. 

Forrest, her sworn enemy, was the school bully that no one dared to mess with, dominating the school in his own bullish manner. Madelyn rarely had any interaction with him. But when she did, it was always because Forrest had a bone to pick with her. No specific reason, just that he simply disliked her. Yes, that was it—he simply disliked her. 

Catching sight of Serena’s pointed indication—second desk from the window in the first row—Madelyn finally realized that the seating had been rearranged during her leave. Wincing at her mistake, she quietly slid into her actual seat. Forrest was a notorious jerk, known for his violent temper. He approached his own desk, kicked it with a swift stroke, sending it toppling into the corner. Even the metal stool was not spared, its leg bent inward from the force of the kick. The loud crash startled everyone in the class, a few unfortunate souls near the scene flinching from the commotion. 

“Forry, you just got to school. Where are you off to now?” 

Adrian slapped Timothy’s shoulder. “Where else? He just doesn’t want to see her.” 

Timothy approached Madelyn’s desk, giving her stool a kick. “Madelyn, why couldn’t you just stay home? Why’d you have to come and be an eyesore? Once I graduate, I’ll be the first to investigate the Jent family. Just wait, you’ll end up spending the rest of your life in prison with your bumpkin dad.” He adjusted his tie smugly after his pronouncement. 


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