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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 

Madelyn walked ahead, with George close behind. He spoke earnestly, “Miss Jent, being a Jent means standing strong. Otherwise, people might try to take advantage of you.” 

George was perceptive. Madelyn agreed with a smile, “You’re right.” 

“We just wanna make sure you’re safe,” he added. 

George’s words struck her. She wondered, ‘What did he mean? Do they know everything?’ 

Jadie saw Madelyn get into a fancy Cayenne-a car not everyone in Ventropolis could afford- through the rearview mirror. She asked, “Madelyn ain’t comin’ back with us?” 

“She has got some stuff to take care of. I’ll drop you off at home first,” Kevin said, buckling his seatbelt. 

“Thank you, Kevin.” 

“You’re welcome.” Kevin’s mind wandered, ‘If Madelyn had Jadie’s maturity and didn’t cause so many problems, Mr. Jardin wouldn’t need to worry as much.” 

The Cayenne had been driving for almost twenty minutes. It was getting close to six-thirty, and the sky had grown dark. Streetlights were casting a soft glow on the road. Madelyn peered out at the peaceful streets and felt a bit peculiar. 

She asked, “George, where are we heading?” 

“You’ll see soon. We’re almost there.’ 

Before long, the car came to a stop. The chauffeur circled around to the back and opened the rear door for Madelyn. 

“Please walk straight ahead from here, and you’ll find it,” George said. 

They had arrived at Amberley Street, a vibrant spot in Ventropolis known for its array of tasty treats. The street bustled with activity, able to accommodate a large crowd. 

Madelyn felt a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. After stepping out of the car, she watched it drive away. Feeling a bit lost, she followed George’s guidance, each step feeling like a piece of a puzzle falling into place. 

After Madelyn walking about eighteen steps, an adorable girl around six years old appeared. She was all dolled up like a real princess, with two braids that framed her face. 

The little girl clutched a single rose in one hand while her other hand held onto her mother’s. With an infectious enthusiasm, they approached Madelyn and said, “Miss Jent, happy birthday!” 

This surprised Madelyn. A feeling that she couldn’t quite find the right words for flowed over 

her. Whether it was from her past life or from right now, it was like nothing she had ever felt before. Blushing just a bit, she stammered out, “Thank… Thank you…” 

The girl then pointed forward as she said, “Go that way! Just be careful not to get lost.” Her voice bubbled with joy. 


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