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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 

Having swallowed two painkillers, Madelyn finally succumbed to sleep. But at the dreaded hour of three in the morning, her forehead was slick with a fine sheen of cold sweat, and her breaths were becoming increasingly labored

The girl in the bed made a low sound of discomfort. Zach, setting aside his notebook, reached out to touch her forehead and cheek

Her temperature has dropped considerably. Seems like the fever’s broken.‘ 

Rosario, just entering with a tray of water, walked in on this scene

Mr. Jardin, let me take care of her. You’ve got work tomorrow. Don’t tire yourself out.” 

So Mr. Jardin did come after all.‘ 

She knew that Zach, though he harbored no romantic feelings for Madelyn, deeply cared for 

her as if she were his sister

He’s always good to her.‘ 

It’s okay. Has she taken the painkillers?” 

Rosario responded. Yes, at ten.” 

We can’t overdo the medication.” 

Zach wrung out the towel from the washbasin, wiping the cold sweat from her face

Rosario, you should rest. I’ve taken a halfday leave for today.” 

Rosario looked at the girl in bed, then back at Zach. Thenokay” 

NoThe voice from the bed was weak, raspy. I want RosarioRosario, don’t Madelyn had been awake for a while, but hearing Zach’s voice, she did not want to stir, much 

less face him


Rosario quickly stepped forward, her heart aching as she gripped Madelyn’s hand. OkayI won’t go. I’m not going anywhere. Mr. Jardin, Madelyn needs me. It’s probably best if I stay.” 

Fine, I’ll be next door. Call me if you need anything.” 

Alright, Mr. Jardin.” 

As Zach turned to leave, his face resumed its customary cold indifference, the door to the sickroom gently closing behind him

Madelyn slowly opened her eyes, watching his silhouette disappear through the doorway. It was then that she spoke up softly. Rosario, you should go rest as well. I’m fine.” 

Were you woken up by the pain again?Rosario wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye, her gaze filled with concern

No, I’m much better.” 

Madelyn, have you truly stopped caring for Mr. Jardin?” 

Madelyn’s gaze moved to the white ceiling above

Yes. One heartbreak is more than enough. And Zach’s heart isn’t with me, forcing him will only make him resentful.” 

All through their years of marriage, whether it was his drunken banter at social gatherings or his sleeptalking, they all centered around Jadie. In their eight years of marriage, other than utilizing her as a tool, Zach had never truly had a place for her in his heart

SoI think being a sister isn’t so bad. Besides, Dad didn’t approve of Zach and me together. If that’s the case, it’s better to let go and let him be with Jadie. Now, all I want is to finish my studies and get into a good university. I’m not young anymore; I can’t rely on my family for everything.” 


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