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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 205

Chapter 205 

Madelyn asked, “Why? Did he offend you too?” 

Yvonne responded, “He offended my whole family. You don’t need to know the reason. Just remember what I said.” 

Madelyn mumbled, “We’ll see.” 

Yvonne then changed the topic, “By the way, I almost forgot. How’d you meet my brother? He usually never talks to me, but he went out of his way to do so….to talk about you.” 

Madelyn remained quiet. 

Yvonne nudged Madelyn and asked, “He even asked me to bring you out to have a meal with. him when we’re free. Come on, tell me, is there something going on between you and him?” 

Madelyn was nervous, “You misunderstood. We’re just friends. There’s nothing going on between us, you’re overthinking it! My family doesn’t allow me to be in a relationship at this age. They want me to focus on my studies.” 

Yvonne smiled as she put her hand on Madelyn’s shoulder, “Oh, come on! Do you know how popular my brother is in Ventropolis? So many women want to sleep with him. Everyone close to me wants to get close to my brother through me. You’re the first person who wants to distance yourself from him! 

“By the way, you’re not that young actually. I remember my mother got engaged to her ex- husband, who was my brother’s biological father, when she was sixteen. So my brother and I are half-siblings. They then got married at eighteen, but with no formal marriage certificate at that time, just verbal agreement between the families. Things are different now… When my mom was your age, she was already married. You’re not too young. You should be in a relationship! And you’re so beautiful, I’m sure there are many guys pursuing you! 

“Tell me, 

do you have 

anyone you like? Or… What type of guys are you into? I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” Yvonne said, crossing her fingers. 

Once she brought up this topic, Madelyn realized that Yvonne was trying to find out Madelyn’s inner thoughts. Madelyn pondered, ‘Did Ethan ask her to go to the hall? Why’d he do something so demeaning?’ 

Despite Yvonne’s polite tone, Madelyn could see the contempt in Yvonne’s eyes, but she knew Yvonne was trying to hide it to get closer to Zach. On the other hand, Madelyn herself was trying to associate herself with the Arnold family. 

Madelyn calmly said, “I don’t have romantic feelings for anyone right now. I just want to focus on my studies.” 

Yvonne saw the seriousness in Madelyn’s gaze and believed her. 

After the physical education session ended, Yvonne left on her own. Madelyn thought, ‘Ethan definitely asked Yvonne to stay with me and monitor me. And now, Yvonne is using me to mediate her relationship with Ethan.’ 

Madelyn went to the cafeteria alone. On the way, she ran into Forrest who was walking with two of his friends while dribbling a basketball. Madelyn mustered up her courage and walked 

toward him. 

Timothy was surprised when he saw Madelyn approach them, “What’s wrong with you? Get out of the way, bitch.” 

Adrian lowered his head and chuckled. 

Forrest spun the basketball on his finger and grinned maliciously. He mocked, “What’s the matter, gone mute?” 

Madelyn ignored his unfriendly tone. She looked serious and said to Forrest, “I’ll accept your tutoring request.” 

Adrian and Timothy were left speechless. 


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