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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 87


Chapter 87 

‘But it seems like they’re also coming to this restaurant,’ she thought. 

As expected, the door to her room was opened in less than a minute, and a group of people walked in. 

“Oh?! You’re eating good! How come we never get such special treatment? You’re so biased, you old fart!” 

“I’m starving. Dustin, get me a set of cutleries and a bowl.” 

“Don’t you have hands? Why can’t you take them yourself?” 

“Girlie, scooch over, girlie. I can’t get inside.” 

Madelyn was speechless. She pulled her chair and made way for him. 

Alex sat across from her, but her sitting posture was a little unsightly. She propped her foot onto the chair and promptly spun the carne frita on Madelyn’s plate toward herself. Then, she started munching on it. 

“The drinks are here,” a skinny guy walked in and closed the door with his leg while carrying a carton of beer. 

The once spacious room had quickly became cramped. 

“That bastard. He never makes this for me when I ask him to, but now he’s actually made it for you! You’re really something!” 

Suddenly, Alex turned to her. 

She continued, “Hey, country bumpkin, you still haven’t told me where you’re from. Are you from out of town?” 

One of the men with blonde hair said, “Alex, she’s obviously a goody-two-shoes. Don’t scare her.” 

“What, are you feeling bad for her? She’s good-looking and isn’t interested in you, so what’s the use of speaking up for her? Shut your mouth.” 

Madelyn took the water jug and poured herself a glass of water. Then, she took a sip of water and set down the glass. 

“I’m done eating. You all have a good meal.” 

Just as she was about to get up, a hand pushed her back down. 

“What’s with the rush? We haven’t even started eating. Let’s chat for a little longer.” 

Madelyn was not exactly afraid of these people. 

‘Are they bad people? They just look like a bunch of hooligans. Real dangerous bad guys don’t act like them,’ she thought. 

They did not scare her. Instead, they made her feel some way that she did not know how to describe; it was a feeling she had never once experienced. 

“What do you guys want to talk about?” she asked. 


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