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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94 

“Let me go, you bastard! My father won’t let you live if you lay your hands on me!” 

Rogan let out a contemptuous laugh. “Your father? He’s worthless, and he’ll need to kowtow to me if he dares to show his face here.” 

“Somebody, anyone, HELP!!!” 

“Bitch, what the hell are you screaming for!? Your underwear is all lace, so why the heck are you pretending?” Rogan immediately slapped her. 

Madelyn’s face turned to one side by the impact as she opened her mouth and tried to bite back. Rogan tugged her hair and pulled her head back. 

She then let out another scream. 

Just at this moment, a man walked down from the staircase. 

As if seeing a savior, Madelyn pleaded. “Help me, please, help me…” 

The narrow staircase suddenly became cramped with the three people on it. 

Rogan looked at the man menacingly, “Mind your own business, cunt.” 

The man had a powerful and intimidating aura about him and was a whole head taller than Rogan. His expression was icy cold as he glared at Rogan and barked, “Let her go!” 

“Fuck off!” 

“I’ll not repeat myself again. Let. Her. Go.” The man’s voice was ice cold. 

“And what if I don’t let her go? What are you gonna do? Don’t you know who I am? Around these parts, I can have you killed with a snap of my fingers!” Rogan let go of her hair and pointed at his nose. 

Yet who knew, the man gave Rogan a kick down the staircase as the latter screamed as he 

tumbled down. 

Madelyn too was shocked and saw Rogan lying flat on the ground unconscious, blood flowing 

from his forehead. 

Madelyn covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. 

Before she could even thank the man, he had already left! 

Madelyn quickly went upstairs in a panic and fumbled her keys out. However, due to the lingering fear from earlier, she was in such a panicked state she could not even hold the key properly and it fell onto the ground. 

She did not have time to think and simply locked the door from inside, went to the cupboard 

to take her clothes out and shoved them into her luggage. 

Back then, she had truly been sheltered by the Jent household, and she did not know how sinister and dangerous the world outside could be! 

Without her identity and without the Jent family, Madelyn did not know what sort of life she was about to experience. 

Perhaps, she would encounter situations that were even more painful and grueling than this 


Was she destined to be able to escape this fate of hers? 

Was her fate just… that? 

Madelyn squatted on the ground as a sense of helplessness gnawed at her heart. 


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