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The Rise of Dragon Temple novel Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Five minutes later, Joseph led Chloe to the entrance of the kindergarten, the kindergarten that took him more than half a month to decide on. At the kindergarten entrance, Chloe attracted the attention of a large group of children. Chloe had been in school for a few days already, and she had already known a few friends. As soon as she arrived, several handsome boys surrounded her, and some delicate and lovely girls came over too.

“Wow, Chloe, your white dress is so beautiful,’ A little girl said to Chloe in admiration.

Chloe smiled proudly and replied, “Yes, of course. My father bought it for me”

"Wow, Chloe, your braid is gorgeous too. Did your mother comb it for you? My mother does not have the skills to do it and my braid is so ugly..." Another little girl with long hair said with a gloomy face. After the little girl finished speaking, a beautiful woman in a suit of professional clothes with short hair beside her blushed and smiled awkwardly at Joseph. She was a highly career-oriented woman who didn't even bother to manage her own hair, let alone comb braid for her daughter. Braid combing was indeed a difficult task for her.

However, Chloe replied, "Nope, my dad did it for me too. My father is amazing. He is handsome, can comb braids, and can even cook for me. The pastries this morning were really delicious. Halle, do you want to eat some? I brought some for you...” After saying that, she quickly took out a cute rabbit pastry from her back and generously handed it to the little girl in front of her.

“Wow, what a beautiful little rabbit. It's so cute. Chloe, let's not eat it, shall we?" Halle's two small eyes were shining. After looking at the little rabbit in her hand for a while, she looked at Chloe and said, "Chloe, your father is really amazing, he's even better than my mother"

"Yes, my father is really amazing. He bought a lot of beautiful cars. He also owns a very big and powerful company, Chloe said proudly.

Hearing this, the four-year-old girl named Halle was immediately filled with admiration. Then she turned to look at the beautiful woman behind her and said, "Mom, can you swap another father for me? I also want a father like Chloe's.

After saying that, Halle looked at the handsome Joseph and said, “Uncle, you are so handsome. Can you be my father?

"Er... It doesn't work this way.’ This little kid really stunned Joseph with her words. The mother standing aside was also blushing at this time. She lowered her head and her face was almost as red as an apple. She didn't dare to look at Joseph because he was really handsome, and his temperament was indeed natural. As a manager, she has seen many successful men, so she can tell at a glance that Joseph was definitely not an ordinary man. In addition to Chloe's words just now, she was guessing that Joseph was an extremely successful entrepreneur.

Seeing that Halle wanted her father so badly, Chloe's face changed instantly. She grabbed the rabbit from Halle's hand and said, "Hmph, Halle, I can share this delicious food cooked by my father with you, but it doesn't mean that you can also call my father as your dad! That's my father, you can't call him dad!"

Listening to the conversation between the two little girls in front of him, Joseph felt that the matter was getting a little out of hand. He quickly said to Chloe, “Chloe, hurry up and get to class. By the way, you are not supposed to take back whatever that you have given out. If you want to eat, I will cook more for you in the evening."

Chloe nodded pitifully and gave the cute little rabbit to Halle. Then the two of them held hands and went to class. After the children left, Joseph looked awkwardly at the Halle's mother and said, "Well, I'm sorry. She's still a kid, don't mind her.’

When the beautiful woman saw Joseph talking to her, she blushed even more. She lowered her head and took a business card from her bag and handed it to Joseph. "Sir, this is my business card. Do I have the honor to befriend you?"

"Huh?" Joseph's heart skipped a beat. "Is this woman being serious? Does he have such a charming temperament?" But he didn't think too much about it. He took over the business card and said with a smile, "Well, my name is Joseph. Since our kids are friends with each other, let's keep in touch often in the future.’

The beautiful woman nodded hurriedly. “Well, sir, please allow me to excuse myself for now. I have to go to work...’ After the beautiful mother finished speaking, she blushed and left with her head down. For some reason, when Joseph was talking to her just now, her heart was beating very fast.

As time went by, the beautiful mother secretly complained in her heart that Joseph was so good, yet her own husband was too useless. However nothing could be done now and she was already married. Could they be secret lovers? Hell not... She was not that kind of woman. She already owned a child. She was indeed regretting for getting married too early.

The woman mumbled to herself as she walked towards the car. She had to hurry to work in Junlin Group. Well, she was also an employee of Junlin Group, and she had been working there for more than a year. Recently, she heard that their president was going to hold a press conference in two weeks’ time. Now the entire company was making arrangements for the press conference thus everyone was really busy. And the company's business was expanding quickly. So she didn't dare to delay any more and quickly headed towards the company.

Of course, Joseph didn't care about this minor episode. He didn't know that the beautiful mother was actually his employee too. Well, even if he knew, he wouldn't care too. He only loved Paige in his life. "Are you busy today? If you are not, you could come in to accompany the children. We will be teaching them how to draw and you can be here too.” When Joseph was deep in his thoughts, a voice came to his ears. He looked up and saw an extremely beautiful teacher talking to him. She looked very young, only 23 or 24 years old. She was wearing sneakers, a white pleated skirt with combed long hair, and a very beautiful face. She was also emitting some youthful vitality. Although Joseph was not interested in other women, he would be in a better mood if he talked to beautiful women. Moreover, he was really free. He had too many things to do, so he simply threw them all to his subordinates. Anyway, his most important thing now was to accompany his wife and children. So he nodded and said, “Well, okay, I'm fine’

When the teacher saw that Joseph had agreed, she was also very happy. After all, Joseph was really handsome, and she also liked Chloe very much, so she led him inside. This kindergarten was really huge, and there was a special art classroom inside. When the beautiful teacher took Joseph in, another beautiful young girl ran from a distance and said to her anxiously, "Candy, we do not have enough drawing boards and brushes. We might not be able to conduct the art classes today. The materials that I have purchased yesterday have not arrived yet.’

Hearing this, the beautiful teacher named Candy also became anxious. Just as she was about to speak, Joseph smiled and took out his mobile phone to send a text message to Dennis while saying, "No worries, I'll ask someone to send them here. It will take approximately half an hour. By the way, do you stil need anything else? Do you conduct music classes too? Do you have enough music equipment?

Chapter 142 1

Chapter 142 2

Chapter 142 3


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